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[英]Convert PHP to ASP.Net for file upload

I'm trying to allow users to upload an image to my site. 我正在尝试允许用户将图像上传到我的网站。 I found a demo but it is written in PHP. 我找到了一个演示,但是它是用PHP编写的。 I am using CSHTML in Webmatrix, and it doesn't seem to be compatible with the PHP file. 我在Webmatrix中使用CSHTML,它似乎与PHP文件不兼容。 Does anyone have any resources, recommendations, or links to information for writing a similar code as below but in a compatible format to Webmatrix/ASP.NET? 任何人都没有任何资源,建议或信息链接,可用于编写以下类似代码,但格式与Webmatrix / ASP.NET兼容。 Also, is there a way to rename the file when it's uploaded and save it to a certain location? 另外,有没有一种方法可以在文件上传后重命名并将其保存到特定位置?

Are there any security precautions I should take when allowing users to upload to the site? 允许用户上传到网站时,我应该采取什么安全预防措施?

$fn = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME'] : false);

if ($fn) {

   // AJAX call
      'uploads/' . $fn,
   echo "$fn uploaded";

else {

   // form submit
   $files = $_FILES['fileselect'];

   foreach ($files['error'] as $id => $err) {
      if ($err == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         $fn = $files['name'][$id];
             'uploads/' . $fn
         echo "<p>File $fn uploaded.</p>";


use fileupload.js 使用fileupload.js

<script src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/jquery.fileupload.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

<input type="file" name="resume" onchange="onChangeResume()"  id="txtImageUpload"  style="width: 76px;"  />

function onChangeResume(){
                    dataType: 'json',
                    url: '/CandidateManagement.aspx/ImageUpload',
                    autoUpload: true,
                    done: function (e, data) {



code behind 背后的代码

  HttpPostedFileBase resume = Request.Files["txtImageUpload"];
        if (resume != null && resume.ContentLength > 0)
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(resume.FileName);
            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Resumes"), fileName);//you can give what ever you want

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