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[英]Datepicker: Show days from next/prev month (if in ending/starting week of current one)

This is how datepicker shows a month by default, numbers start the first of the month and end the last of the month: 这是日期选择器默认情况下显示月份的方式,数字从该月的第一天开始到该月的最后一天结束:


The thing is that I need to fill the whole calendar with numbers, like this: 问题是我需要用数字填充整个日历,如下所示:


So I found that the option showOtherMonths to true does the trick: 因此,我发现将showOtherMonthstrue可以解决问题:


But if you notice, it adds an extra week, Wich I dont need, 但是,如果您注意到,它又增加了一个星期,我不需要,

Any idea why? 知道为什么吗?

-EDIT- -编辑-

The whole code: 整个代码:

jQuery('.datepicker').each(function (i) {
    var $item = jQuery(this);
    var fechas = $item.data('fechas') != '' ? $item.data('fechas') : '';    
    var urls = $item.data('urls') != '' ? $item.data('urls') : '';
    var tipos = $item.data('tipos') != '' ? $item.data('tipos') : '';
    var titulos = $item.data('titulos') != '' ? $item.data('titulos') : '';
    var options = {
        'dateFormat' : dateFormat,
        'display' : $item.data('display') == '' ? '' : $item.data('display'),
        firstDay: 1,
        numberOfMonths: $item.data('months') == '' ? 1 : $item.data('months'),
        showOtherMonths: true,
        selectOtherMonths: false
    /* Marcar los dias con sesion */
    if (fechas.length) {
        options.beforeShowDay = function(datestr) {
            var fecha = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate( dateFormat, datestr);
            var arr = [true, ''];
            for( var j = 0 ; j < fechas.length ; j++ ) {  
                if ( fecha == fechas[j] ) {
                    return [true, 'dia-con-evento '+tipos[j], titulos[j], 'link'];
            return arr;
    /* Agregar links a los días */
    options.onSelect = function (datestr) {
        if ( fechas.indexOf(datestr) != -1 ) {
            location.href =  urls[ fechas.indexOf(datestr) ];                   
    $item.datepicker( options );

Markup: 标记:

<div class="datepicker year" 
             data-titulos='["El tratamiento del asma: \"a la carta\" vs \"menu\u0301 del di\u0301a","El caso del Sr. Minotaruro en el laberinto de los ARA II","A vueltas con el protector...","El humor es como el colesterol, unos tienen del bueno, otros del malo","Deprescripcio\u0301n: En busca de la cordura","Mesa redonda BBPP Premio 1a edicio\u0301n","Programaci\u00f3n del caso en La Ventana","Preparaci\u00f3n del materia","Preparaci\u00f3n del materia","Entrega del material","Aprobaci\u00f3n del material y lanzamiento de la sesi\u00f3n cl\u00ednica","Reuni\u00f3n de preproducci\u00f3n","Grabaci\u00f3n","Validaci\u00f3n del v\u00eddeo","Validaci\u00f3n del v\u00eddeo","Publicaci\u00f3n de material en la plataforma de eformaci\u00f3n","Validaci\u00f3n del material en la plataforma de eformaci\u00f3n","Validaci\u00f3n del material en la plataforma de eformaci\u00f3n","Publicaci\u00f3n de v\u00eddeo en web y plataforma","Emisi\u00f3n de la sesi\u00f3n cl\u00ednica","Apertura m\u00f3dulos eformaci\u00f3n","Finalizaci\u00f3n del curso","Presentaci\u00f3n de alumnos aprobados","Pago a ponente"]'  


Try this: 尝试这个:

$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
    showOtherMonths: true,
    selectOtherMonths: true

Please show more of your code, to give you a more in depth answer. 请显示更多代码,为您提供更深入的答案。

Everything seems to be running fine. 一切似乎运行良好。 If the problem persists, i would assume is a different type of script or CSS conflicting with what you have already, perhaps an outdated jquery library. 如果问题仍然存在,我会认为是另一种脚本或CSS与您已有的内容冲突,也许是过时的jquery库。

 $('.datepicker').each(function (i) { var $item = $(this); var fechas = $item.data('fechas') != '' ? $item.data('fechas') : ''; var urls = $item.data('urls') != '' ? $item.data('urls') : ''; var tipos = $item.data('tipos') != '' ? $item.data('tipos') : ''; var titulos = $item.data('titulos') != '' ? $item.data('titulos') : ''; var options = { 'dateFormat' : "dd/mm/yyyy", 'display' : $item.data('display') == '' ? '' : $item.data('display'), firstDay: 1, numberOfMonths: $item.data('months') == '' ? 1 : $item.data('months'), showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: false } /* Marcar los dias con sesion */ if (fechas.length) { options.beforeShowDay = function(datestr) { var fecha = $.datepicker.formatDate("dd/mm/yyyy", datestr); var arr = [true, '']; for( var j = 0 ; j < fechas.length ; j++ ) { if ( fecha == fechas[j] ) { return [true, 'dia-con-evento '+tipos[j], titulos[j], 'link']; } } return arr; } } /* Agregar links a los días */ options.onSelect = function (datestr) { if ( fechas.indexOf(datestr) != -1 ) { location.href = urls[ fechas.indexOf(datestr) ]; } } $item.datepicker( options ); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <link href="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <div class="datepicker year" data-display="inline" data-fechas='["13\\/05\\/2015","11\\/02\\/2015","11\\/03\\/2015","10\\/06\\/2015","08\\/04\\/2015","08\\/07\\/2015","30\\/03\\/2015","30\\/03\\/2015","04\\/05\\/2015","04\\/05\\/2015","14\\/05\\/2015","24\\/05\\/2015","03\\/06\\/2015","18\\/06\\/2015","28\\/06\\/2015","03\\/06\\/2015","03\\/06\\/2015","13\\/06\\/2015","07\\/07\\/2015","08\\/07\\/2015","09\\/07\\/2015","07\\/08\\/2015","17\\/08\\/2015","15\\/11\\/2015"]' data-urls='["\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=sesion\\/1","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=sesion\\/2","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=sesion\\/3","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=sesion\\/4","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=sesion\\/5","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6","\\/sescam-la-ventana\\/?q=caso\\/6"]' data-tipos='["caso","caso","caso","caso","caso","caso","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito","hito"]' data-titulos='["El tratamiento del asma: \\"a la carta\\" vs \\"menu\́ del di\́a","El caso del Sr. Minotaruro en el laberinto de los ARA II","A vueltas con el protector...","El humor es como el colesterol, unos tienen del bueno, otros del malo","Deprescripcio\́n: En busca de la cordura","Mesa redonda BBPP Premio 1a edicio\́n","Programaci\ón del caso en La Ventana","Preparaci\ón del materia","Preparaci\ón del materia","Entrega del material","Aprobaci\ón del material y lanzamiento de la sesi\ón cl\ínica","Reuni\ón de preproducci\ón","Grabaci\ón","Validaci\ón del v\ídeo","Validaci\ón del v\ídeo","Publicaci\ón de material en la plataforma de eformaci\ón","Validaci\ón del material en la plataforma de eformaci\ón","Validaci\ón del material en la plataforma de eformaci\ón","Publicaci\ón de v\ídeo en web y plataforma","Emisi\ón de la sesi\ón cl\ínica","Apertura m\ódulos eformaci\ón","Finalizaci\ón del curso","Presentaci\ón de alumnos aprobados","Pago a ponente"]' data-months='6' > </div> 

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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