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[英]How to pass a http request result in my case?

I am trying to get the http request result to my child controller. 我正在尝试将http请求结果发送给我的子控制器。

I have something like 我有类似的东西

<div ng-controller = "parentCtrl">
     <button ng-click="callApi()">click me</button>

     <div ng-controller = "childCtrl">

angular.module('App').controller('parentCtrl', ['$scope','myFactory',
    function($scope, myFactory) {
        $scope.callApi = function() {
                .then(function(data) {
                    $scope.productDetail = data
                    //do something in parent controller here....


angular.module('App').controller('childCtrl', ['$scope',
    function($scope) {
        //I am not sure how to get the productDetail data here since it's a http request call.

angular.module('App').factory('myFactory', function($http) {
    var service = {};

    service.request = function(id) {
        return createProduct(id)
            .then(function(obj) {
                productID = obj.data.id;
                return setProductDetail(productID)
            .then(function(productDetail) {             
                return productDetail.data
    var createProduct = function(id) {
        return $http.post('/api/product/create', id)

    var setProductDetail = function(id) {
        return $http.post('/api/product/setDetail', id)

    var getDetail = function() {
        return $http.get('/api/product/getDetail')

    return service;

I was able to get the request result for my parentCtrl but I am not sure how to pass it to my child controller. 我可以获取我的parentCtrl的请求结果,但是不确定如何将其传递给我的子控制器。 Can anyone help me about it? 有人可以帮我吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Potential approaches: 可能的方法:

1) Inject myFactory into the child controller as well. 1)也将myFactory注入子控制器。

2) Access the parent scope directly from within childCtrl: 2)直接从childCtrl内访问父作用域:


3) If wanting to access from HTML 3)如果要从HTML访问


Above assumes you are wanting to access that value specifically separate from a potential version on the child scope (existing code doesn't show that). 上面假设您要访问的值与子范围内的潜在版本特别分开(现有代码未显示该值)。

If it's a child scope, and nothing on the child scope (or a scope in between) is named productDetail, and you're not setting a primitive value in the child scope with that name, then you should be able to see the value directly through prototypical inheritance (but any of the three scenarios listed could force the need for a reference through the parent). 如果这是一个子作用域,并且该子作用域(或介于两者之间的作用域)中的任何内容都没有命名为productDetail,并且您没有在该子作用域中设置具有该名称的原始值,那么您应该能够直接看到该值通过原型继承(但列出的三个方案中的任何一个都可能需要通过父级进行引用)。

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