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[英]What is the correct alternative to Java's equalsIgnoreCase?

There are lots and lots of examples on why and when java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase will fail because of incorrect use of the locale. 关于为什么以及何时java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase因错误使用语言环境而失败的例子有很多很多。

But I did not find any examples of the correct way. 但我没有找到任何正确方法的例子。 Unlike java.lang.String.toUpperCase there is no version with a locale parameter. java.lang.String.toUpperCase不同,没有带语言环境参数的版本。 Converting both strings to upper or lower case seem to be wasteful. 将两个字符串转换为大写或小写似乎都是浪费。 Especially when you are working on a application doing a lot of comparisons. 特别是当您正在进行大量比较的应用程序时。

What is the correct way to make a ignore case string comparison, taking both locale and performance into consideration? 在考虑区域设置和性能的情况下,进行忽略大小写字符串比较的正确方法是什么?

According to this page , you can use Collator to do case insensitive equality as follows: 根据此页面 ,您可以使用Collat​​or执行不区分大小写的相等性,如下所示:

//retrieve the runtime user's locale
Locale locale = new Locale(getUserLocale());

//pass the user's locale as an argument
Collator myCollator = Collator.getInstance(locale);

//set collator to Ignore case but not accents
//(default is Collator.TERTIARY, which is
//case sensitive)

int i = myCollator.compare(stringA,stringB);

(Copied from the above site ...) (从以上网站复制......)

Obviously, in other contexts you might choose the locale differently. 显然,在其他情况下,您可能会以不同的方式选择区域设置。

For @fge - This Oracle Bug Report gives an example of the kind of thing that happens. 对于@fge - 这个Oracle Bug Report给出了一个发生的事情的例子。

A possible alternative might be abusing Regex. 可能的替代方案可能是滥用正则表达式。 This is quite performance-intensive with dynamically changing strings, but if you are comparing against constants it could be an alternative: 这是动态更改字符串的性能密集型,但如果您要与常量进行比较,则可能是另一种选择:

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^" + myOtherString + "$",
    Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.LITERAL | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE).matcher();
if (matcher.matches(myString)) {
   // ...

This anchors the string you want to compare against, specifies Unicode-aware case-insensitive matching of the Literal string. 这将锚定您要比较的字符串,指定Literal字符串的Unicode感知不区分大小写的匹配。

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