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[英]Demistify string.format in C#

I know what I'm going to ask is silly. 我知道我要问的是愚蠢的。 So here it goes. 所以就到这里。 I have a C# code where I have a string as shown below: 我有一个C#代码,其中有一个字符串,如下所示:


Would any one explain would the above code mean. 任何人都可以解释以上代码的含义吗?

String.Format replaces tokens in a string with the values denoted the zero-based index of subsequent parameters. String.Format将字符串中的标记替换为表示后续参数的从零开始的索引的值。

Comments added for clarity: 为了清楚起见添加了注释:

    "{",                // {0}
    "}",                // {1}
    "notificationicon", // {2}
    governanceName,     // {3}
    tips.GovernanceType)// {4}

However, the brace values are presumably only there to avoid an error. 但是,大括号值大概只是为了避免错误。 A clearer solution is to escape them: 一个更清晰的解决方案是逃避它们:

    "notificationicon", // {0}
    governanceName,     // {1}
    tips.GovernanceType)// {2}

As explained in the comments, the first parameter is the string to be formatted, and all subsequent parameters will be inserted at the locations of the placeholders, denoted by {x} in the format string (where x is an indexing integer). 如注释中所述,第一个参数是要格式化的字符串,所有后续参数将插入占位符的位置,在格式字符串中用{x}表示(其中x是索引整数)。 The frequent \\ s in the format string are escape characters that prevent inline " -characters from ending the string (they are instead printed literally). 格式字符串中的常用\\转义字符 ,可防止内联" 字符结束字符串(而是按原样打印)。

Format allow to build string with arguments in {} instead of concatenating ("+ var + "). 格式允许使用{}中的参数构建字符串,而不是串联(“ + var +”)。 Fromat is more readeble than concatenating . Fromat比连接更容易阅读。 In your case 4 arguments: 在您的情况下,有4个参数:

{0} = "{"
{1} = "}"
{2} = "notificationicon"
{3} = value of governanceName
{4} = value of tips.GovernanceType

Finally arguments {} will replaced by values and you will get new frormatted string 最后,参数{}将被值替换,您将获得新的带字符串的字符串

To make it more readable and comprehensible I have replaced the " char with the ' char. The command could be thus simplified like this: 为了使其更易于阅读和理解我已经取代了"用字符'字符的命令可以简化因而是这样的:

                governanceName, tips.GovernanceType);

When I add .Replace('\\'','\\"') to it then it produces following string (assuming that governanceName="SomeGovernanceName", tips.GovernanceType="SomeGovernanceType"): 当我向其中添加.Replace('\\'','\\"') ,它会产生以下字符串(假设GovernanceName =” SomeGovernanceName“,tips.GovernanceType =” SomeGovernanceType“):


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