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C ++ Armadillo:最近的邻居

[英]C++ Armadillo: nearest neighbour

I'm using C++ with the Armadillo library. 我在Armadillo库中使用C ++。

Suppose I have anx 1 column matrix which is sorted in numerical order. 假设我有一个按数字顺序排序的ax 1列矩阵。 For example 例如

mat X; X.randn(100,1);
mat X_sorted; X_sorted = sort(X);
cout << X_sorted << endl;

and suppose I have a variable 并假设我有一个变量

double y = 0.5;

What I want: is a way of finding the index, z , of x_sorted , for which x_sorted(z) is closest to y. 我想要的是:一种找到x_sorted的索引zx_sorted ,其中x_sorted(z) 最接近 y。 In the case of a tie (which doesn't actually matter in my case), simply choose the larger one. 如果是领带(对我而言实际上并不重要),只需选择较大的领带即可。

One way of doing it is like this: 一种方法是这样的:

int z = as_scalar(sort_index(abs(X_sorted - y)).row(0));

Please feel free to criticise this solution and suggest an improvement. 请随时批评此解决方案并提出改进建议。

Here's an example program of it in action: 这是运行中的示例程序:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace arma;
using namespace std;

mat X; X.randn(100,1);
mat X2; X2.zeros(100,1);
for(int i=0; i<100; i++){X2(i) = i;}
mat X_sorted; X_sorted = sort(X);

mat XX; XX=join_rows(X2,X_sorted);
cout << XX << endl;

double y = 0.5;
int z = as_scalar(sort_index(abs(X_sorted - y)).row(0));
mat XX_z; XX_z = XX.row(z);
cout << XX_z << endl;

return 0;

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