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[英]running multiline bash command over ssh does not work

I need to run a multi-line bash command over ssh, all possible attempt exhausted but no luck -- 我需要在ssh上运行多行bash命令,所有可能的尝试都已用尽,但是没有运气-

echo "3. All files found, creating remote directory on the server."
ssh -t $id@$host bash -c "'
                if [[ -d ~/_tmp ]]; then
                    rm -rf ~/_tmp/*
                    mkdir ~/_tmp
'" ;

echo "4. Sending files ..."
scp ${files[@]} $id@$host:~/_tmp/ ; 

Here is the output -- 这是输出-

user@linux:/tmp$ ./remotecompile
1. Please enter your id:
2. Please enter the names of the files that you want to compile
   (Filenames *must* be space separated):
3. All files found, creating remote directory on the server.
Unmatched '.
Unmatched '.
Connection to host.domain.com closed.

Please note, I do not want to put every 2-3 lines of bash if-then-else-fi commands into separate files. 请注意,我不想将每2-3行bash if-then-else-fi命令放入单独的文件中。

What is the right way to do it? 正确的做法是什么?

Use an escaped heredoc to have its literal contents passed through. 使用转义的heredoc传递其文字内容。 (Without the escaping, ie. using just <<EOF , shell expansions would be processed locally -- making for more interesting corner cases if you used variables inside your remotely-run code). (不进行转义,即仅使用<<EOF ,将在本地处理shell扩展-如果在远程运行的代码中使用变量,则会导致更有趣的极端情况)。

ssh "$id@$host" bash <<'EOF'
if [[ -d ~/_tmp ]]; then
    rm -rf ~/_tmp/*
    mkdir ~/_tmp

If you want to pass arguments, doing so in an unambiguously correct manner gets more interesting (since there are two separate layers of shell parsing involved), but the printf '%q' builtin saves the day: 如果您想传递参数,那么以一种明确正确的方式进行操作会变得更加有趣(因为涉及到两个单独的外壳解析层),但是内置的printf '%q'可以节省一天的时间:

args=( "this is" "an array" "of things to pass" \
       "this next one is a literal asterisk" '*' )
printf -v args_str '%q ' "${args[@]}"
ssh "$id@$host" bash -s "$args_str" <<'EOF'
  echo "Demonstrating local argument processing:"
  printf '%q\n' "$@"
  echo "The asterisk is $5"

This works for me: 这对我有用:

ssh [hostname] '       
if [[ -d ~/_tmp ]]; then
   rm -rf ~/_tmp
   mkdir ~/_tmp

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