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[英]Android Device doesn't show up in Eclipse

Believe me, I know there are a TON of these posts in SO, but I've gone through most of them and have yet to find a solution. 相信我,我知道SO中有很多这样的帖子,但是我经历了其中的大多数,并且还没有找到解决方案。 Some notes: 一些注意事项:

  1. I'm running Mac OSX Yosemite 我正在运行Mac OSX Yosemite
  2. Both my devices are USB-debug-enabled (rooted HTC One X, and Motorola Moto G) 我的两个设备都支持USB调试(植根于HTC One X和Motorola Moto G)
  3. On both devices, I have successfully run the app via Eclipse before (in fact the HTC is my main testing device) 在这两种设备上,我之前都已经通过Eclipse成功运行了该应用程序(实际上HTC是我的主要测试设备)
  4. My usual method when the device fails to appear is to quit Eclipse, then run adb kill-server killall adb and then restart Eclipse. 当设备无法显示时,我通常的方法是退出Eclipse,然后运行adb kill-server killall adb ,然后重新启动Eclipse。
  5. This time that method didn't work. 这次该方法不起作用。 I've also tried restarting the phones, and restarting Eclipse multiple times. 我也尝试过重启电话,并多次重启Eclipse。
  6. Running adb devices shows the device there (the device's ID, and 'device') 运行adb devices显示该设备(设备的ID和“设备”)
  7. I've checked the SDK Manager, just in case there were some magic Mac drivers that I could use. 我已经检查了SDK Manager,以防万一我可以使用一些神奇的Mac驱动程序。 Nope, so such luck. 不,这么幸运。

Anyone got any ideas for this? 有人对此有任何想法吗?

Man, you guys are good . 伙计们,你们很好 The device magically started working again. 该设备神奇地再次开始工作。

If anyone else wants to try and reproduce the solution: 如果其他人想尝试并重现该解决方案:

  1. Attempt to debug on device for about an hour with no success. 尝试在设备上调试约一个小时,但未成功。
  2. Consider selling soul. 考虑出售灵魂。 Check craigslist for soul buyers. 在craigslist中查找灵魂购买者。
  3. Post issue on SO. 在SO上发布问题。
  4. Play several rounds of Zuma. 玩几轮祖玛。 Plug in and out the device each time. 每次插拔设备。 Quit Eclipse each time. 每次退出Eclipse。
  5. Swear profusely as you see adb devices showing your device just fine, and even the friggin Logcat in Eclipse itself showing the device tittering away, but you just can't use the device. 当您看到adb devices很好地显示设备时,甚至发誓发誓,甚至Eclipse本身中的floggin Logcat也显示了设备滴滴涕,但您只是无法使用该设备。
  6. Consider changing careers. 考虑改变职业。
  7. Call it a night. 称之为夜晚。
  8. Open Finder, poke through folder on phone (in my case it just had HTC's software installer). 打开Finder,在手机上的文件夹中戳一下(在我的情况下,它只有HTC的软件安装程序)。
  9. Try again, because you hate yourself. 请重试,因为您讨厌自己。
  10. It works now. 现在可以使用了。

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