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[英]Firefox Add-on sdk: Right click on submenu context to show panel

I have a context-menu that expands to two sub-menus. 我有一个上下文菜单,可扩展为两个子菜单。 I would like to click on the sub-menu to display a pop-up menu where I will allow for user input. 我想单击子菜单以显示一个弹出菜单,允许用户输入。 I have combed the web for some help but in vain. 我梳理了网络,但徒劳无功。 Here is what my main.js looks like; 这是我的main.js的样子;

* main.js file defining context mmenu using Item and Menu

var cm = require("sdk/context-menu");
var data = require("sdk/self").data;

* Construct a panel, loading its content from the "text-entry.html"
* file in the "data" directory, and loading the "get-text.js" script
*  into it.
var textEntry = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
  contentURL: data.url("text-entry.html"),
  contentScriptFIle: data.url("get-text.js")

var quickInkItem = cm.Item({
  label: "Quick Ink",
  contentScriptFile: data.url("testscript.js")

var inkToBoardItem = cm.Item({  
   label: "Ink to Board", 
   onClick: handleClick, //Does not work 
   contentScriptFile: data.url("testscript.js")

var inkLibsMenu = cm.Menu({
  label: "inkLibs",
  context: cm.SelectorContext("a[href]"),
  items: [quickInkItem, inkToBoardItem]

//Show panel when user clicks the ink-to-Board submenu 
function handleClick(){

//When the panel is displayed, it generates an event called 'show'
//We will listen to that event and when it happens, send our own "show" event 
//to the panel's script, so the script can prepare the panel for display
textEntry.on('show', function(){

//Listen for the messages called "text-entered" coming from the content script
//The message payload is the text the user entered.
textEntry.port.on("text-entered", function(text){

You're close, but not quite there. 您已经接近,但还没到那儿。 The current context-menu api does not have an onClick handler, instead you need to use content scripts to handle clicks and message back to the main add-on code manually. 当前的上下文菜单api没有onClick处理程序,相反,您需要使用内容脚本来处理单击,并手动将消息发送回主附加代码。 It's not great, and we have plans to improve it. 这不是很好,我们有计划对其进行改进。

For each context menu item, you need to instead listen for a message event by crearting an onMessage handler: 对于每个上下文菜单项,您需要改为通过创建onMessage处理程序来监听消息事件:

var quickInkItem = cm.Item({
  label: "Quick Ink",
  onMessage: handleClick, // Works! 
  contentScriptFile: data.url("testscript.js")

More importantly, you need to add something like the following code to 'testscript.js': 更重要的是,您需要在“ testscript.js”中添加类似以下代码的内容:

self.on("click", function(node) {
  self.postMessage(true); // you could send data as well

See the documentation about handling clicks for more info . 有关更多信息,请参见有关处理点击的文档。

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