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[英]Extends User plugin by adding a profile does not render tab either new added fields in OctoberCMS

I've follow all the steps on the Extending User plugin screencast but for some reason I can not see "Profile" tab and either new added fields. 我已按照扩展用户插件截屏视频的所有步骤操作,但出于某种原因,我看不到“配置文件”选项卡和新添加的字段。 Since I used the second approach, the easy one, this is what I've done: 既然我使用了第二种方法,那就是简单方法,这就是我所做的:

  • Create the plugin and models and so on under Alomicuba namespace 在Alomicuba命名空间下创建插件和模型等
  • Create and make the needed changes to the files as explained in video: 按照视频中的说明创建并对文件进行必要的更改:

     Plugin.php <?php namespace Alomicuba\\Profile; use System\\Classes\\PluginBase; use RainLab\\User\\Models\\User as UserModel; use RainLab\\User\\Controllers\\Users as UsersController; /** * Profile Plugin Information File */ class Plugin extends PluginBase { public $requires = ['RainLab.User']; /** * Returns information about this plugin. * * @return array */ public function pluginDetails() { return [ 'name' => 'Profile', 'description' => 'Add extra functionalities for Alomicuba WS by extends RainLab User', 'author' => 'DTS', 'icon' => 'icon-users' ]; } public function boot() { UserModel::extend(function($model){ $model->hasOne['profile'] = ['Alomicuba\\Profile\\Models\\Profile']; }); UsersController::extendFormFields(function ($form, $model, $context){ if ($model instanceof UserModel) return; $form->addTabFields([ 'pinCode' => [ 'label' => 'PIN', 'tab' => 'Profile' ], 'phone2' => [ 'label' => 'Teléfono (2)', 'tab' => 'Profile' ], 'phone3' => [ 'label' => 'Teléfono (3)', 'tab' => 'Profile' ], 'phone4' => [ 'label' => 'Teléfono (4)', 'tab' => 'Profile' ] ]); }); } } add_profiles_fields_to_user_table.php <?php namespace Alomicuba\\Profile\\Updates; use Schema; use October\\Rain\\Database\\Updates\\Migration; class AddProfilesFieldsToUserTable extends Migration { public function up() { Schema::table('users', function($table) { $table->integer('pinCode')->unsigned(); $table->dateTime('pinCodeDateTime'); $table->integer('phone2')->unsigned()->nullable(); $table->integer('phone3')->unsigned()->nullable(); $table->integer('phone4')->unsigned()->nullable(); }); } public function down() { $table->dropDown([ 'pinCode', 'pinCodeDateTime', 'phone2', 'phone3', 'phone4' ]); } } version.yaml 1.0.1: First version of Profile 1.0.2: - Created profiles table - create_profiles_table.php - add_profiles_fields_to_user_table.php Profile.php (Model) <?php namespace Alomicuba\\Profile\\Models; use Model; /** * Profile Model */ class Profile extends Model { /** * @var string The database table used by the model. */ public $table = 'alomicuba_profile_profiles'; /** * @var array Relations */ public $belongsTo = [ 'user' => ['RainLab\\User\\Models\\User'] ]; // This method is not need anymore since I'll use the second approach public static function getFromUser($user) { if ($user->profile) return $user->profile; $profile = new static; $profile->user = $user; $profile->save(); $user->profile = $profile; return $profile; } } 

But when I edit a existent user I didn't see the 'Profile' tab and also didn't see any new added field. 但是,当我编辑现有用户时,我没有看到“配置文件”选项卡,也没有看到任何新添加的字段。 See image below: 见下图:


Any advice around this? 对此有何建议? Did I miss something? 我错过了什么?

Also I have a few question around plugin extends: 我还有一些关于插件扩展的问题:

  1. How do I add a required field to the register form? 如何在注册表单中添加必填字段?
  2. How do I display each new added field on the account form? 如何在帐户表单上显示每个新添加的字段?

I haved tested your code on my machine you need to write 我已经在你需要写的机器上测试了你的代码

$require instead of $requires in plugin.php $require而不是plugin.php中的$requires

please check documentation 请检查文档

http://octobercms.com/docs/plugin/registration#dependency-definitions http://octobercms.com/docs/plugin/registration#dependency-definitions

and when extendFormFields() method called for UserController you need to specify that you only want to extends fields for UserModel not for other 并且当为UserController调用extendFormFields()方法时,您需要指定您只想为UserModel扩展字段而不是为其他

if (!$model instanceof UserModel)

so plugin.php code look like this 所以plugin.php代码看起来像这样

<?php namespace Alomicuba\Profile;

use System\Classes\PluginBase;
use RainLab\User\Models\User as UserModel;
use RainLab\User\Controllers\Users as UsersController;

 * Profile Plugin Information File
class Plugin extends PluginBase
    public $require = ['RainLab.User'];

     * Returns information about this plugin.
     * @return array
    public function pluginDetails()
        return [
            'name'        => 'Profile',
            'description' => 'Add extra functionalities for Alomicuba WS by extends RainLab User',
            'author'      => 'DTS',
            'icon'        => 'icon-users'

    public function boot()
            $model->hasOne['profile'] = ['Alomicuba\Profile\Models\Profile'];


        UsersController::extendFormFields(function ($form, $model, $context){
            if (!$model instanceof UserModel)

                'pinCode' => [
                    'label' => 'PIN',
                    'tab' => 'Profile'
                'phone2' => [
                    'label' => 'Teléfono (2)',
                    'tab' => 'Profile'
                'phone3' => [
                    'label' => 'Teléfono (3)',
                    'tab' => 'Profile'
                'phone4' => [
                    'label' => 'Teléfono (4)',
                    'tab' => 'Profile'


and in add_profiles_fields_to_user_table.php 在add_profiles_fields_to_user_table.php中

for dropping column write following code 用于删除列写下面的代码

Schema::table('users', function($table)

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