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[英]Apache shutdown unexpectedly after documentroot change in httpd.conf

I'm currently following this toturial to try to get use a folder in dropbox as my htdocs folder. 我目前正在遵循这个惯例 ,尝试将Dropbox中的文件夹用作htdocs文件夹。 When I change these lines: 当我更改这些行时:

DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs">


DocumentRoot "C:/Users/Håvard/Dropbox/web"
<Directory "C:/Users/Håvard/Dropbox/web">

I get the following error: 我收到以下错误:

19:39:52  [Apache]  Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
19:39:52  [Apache]  This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 
19:39:52  [Apache]  improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
19:39:52  [Apache]  Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
19:39:52  [Apache]  the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
19:39:52  [Apache]  If you need more help, copy and post this
19:39:52  [Apache]  entire log window on the forums

I have gotten this error before due to Skype using the same ports, but this time that's not the case. 由于Skype使用相同的端口,我之前遇到了此错误,但是这次并非如此。 I do believe it has something to do with the letter "å" in my "Håvard"-username... I've tried changing the path to something without my username and this works.. 我确实相信这与我的“Håvard”-用户名中的字母“å”有关...我试图将路径更改为没有用户名的情况,但这种方法有效。

Does someone know if the letter has anything to do with the shutdown, and if: are there any solution to it? 有人知道这封信是否与关机有关吗?是否:有解决方案吗?

Right click on your dropbox folder and choose properties. 右键单击您的保管箱文件夹,然后选择属性。 Then choose the tab security (Sikkerhet in Norwegian). 然后选择选项卡安全性(挪威语中的Sikkerhet)。 Click on your username. 点击您的用户名。 There you can see if your user has read-write permission. 在那里,您可以查看您的用户是否具有读写权限。

I found a solution to the problem. 我找到了解决问题的办法。 It was the encoding of the httpd.conf file. 它是httpd.conf文件的编码。 Here's what I did (I guess there's several ways to do this): 这是我所做的(我想有几种方法可以做到这一点):

  1. Open httpd.conf in Notepad++ 在记事本中打开httpd.conf
  2. Change Notepad++ settings in the section 'New Document' to UTF-8 将“新文档”部分中的Notepad ++设置更改为UTF-8
  3. Create new document 建立新文件
  4. Copy and paste everything from httpd.conf to the new docuement 复制并粘贴从httpd.conf到新文档的所有内容
  5. Save and overwrite as httpd.conf 保存并覆盖为httpd.conf

This answers my question, but it didn't solve my overall issue of the norwegian letter causing problems with my xampp installation. 这回答了我的问题,但是并不能解决我的整个挪威字母问题,这导致我的xampp安装出现问题。 Here's the next problem I faced. 这是我面临的下一个问题


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