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[英]Why i'm getting error on the web site specific page: Internal Server Error when browsing to index1.php file ?

I have this code in index1.php and i uploaded the ifle to my site host ipage.com to my filemanager. 我在index1.php中有此代码,并且我将ifle上载到了我的网站托管网站ipage.com上,并保存到了filemanager。

The file i uploaded it to the root directory and under the root directory there is a directory: files And inside there is a directory: radar-simulation-files 我将其上传到根目录的文件,在根目录下有一个目录:files,内部有一个目录:radar-simulation-files

If i'm browsing to my website main page it's fine no server error message: 如果我浏览到我的网站主页,那很好,没有服务器错误消息:

Main page 主页

But when i'm browsing to the index1.php page i'm getting the error: 但是,当我浏览到index1.php页面时,出现错误:

index1.php index1.php

The error message is: 错误消息是:

Internal Server Error 内部服务器错误

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. 服务器遇到内部错误或配置错误,无法完成您的请求。

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. 请与服务器管理员联系,并告知他们错误发生的时间以及您可能做的任何可能导致错误的事情。

More information about this error may be available in the server error log. 服务器错误日志中可能会提供有关此错误的更多信息。

And on this page i did right click on mouse and Inspect element And ii see one error in red: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) 在此页面上,我确实右键单击了鼠标和Inspect元素,并且ii看到一个红色的错误:无法加载资源:服务器的状态为500(内部服务器错误)

But not more details about the error and what make the error. 但是没有更多有关该错误以及导致错误的原因的详细信息。 I guess it's something wrong with my code in the index1.php 我想index1.php中的代码有问题

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

    content="text/html; charset=utf-8"


    content="width=device-width; height=device-height; initial-scale=1.0"


    change picture


<div id="slideCounter"></div>
<div id="slideShow">

$allowed_types = ['png','jpg','jpeg','gif'];
$imageDir = 'files/radar-simulation-files';
    Assumes this .php is being run from the http root on the same
    domain as the desired image files.

$handle = opendir($imageDir);
while (($imgPath = readdir($handle)) !== false) if (
        strtolower(pathinfo($imgPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)),
    )) echo '
    <img src="', $imageDir, '/', $imagePath, '" alt="slide" />';

<!-- #slideShow --></div>

<script type="text/javascript">(function(d) {

    // user defines

        swapHours = 0,
        swapMinutes = 0,
        swapSeconds = 5,
        swapTotal = (swapHours * 60 + swapMinutes) * 60 + swapSeconds,
        loopSlideShow = true;

    // some handy helper functions

    function classExists(e, className) {
        return RegExp('(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)').test(e.className);

    function classAdd(e, className) {
        if (classExists(e, className))
        e.className += (e.className ? ' ' : '') + className;
        return true;

    function classRemove(e, className) {
        if (!classExists(e, className)) return false;
        e.className = e.className.replace(
            new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + n + '(\\s|$)'), ' '
        ) . replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
        return true;

    function textReplace(e, newtext) {
        if (d.innerText) e.innerText = newText;
            else e.textContent = newText;

    function nodeFirst(e) {
        e = e.firstChild;
        while (e && e.nodeType != 1) e = e.nextSibling;
        return e;

    function nodeLast(e) {
        e = e.lastChild;
        while (e && e.nodeType != 1) e = e.prevSibling;
        return e;

    function nodeNext(e) {
        while (e) if ((e = e.nextSibling).nodeType == 1) return e;
        return null;

    function nodePrev(e) {
        while (e) if ((e = e.prevSibling).nodeType == 1) return e;
        return null;

    // slideShow setup

        slideShow = d.getElementById('slideShow'),
        slideCounter = d.getElementById('slideCounter'),
        firstSlide = nodeFirst(slideShow),
        lastSlide = nodeLast(slideShow),
        currentSlide = firstSlide,

    classAdd(slideShow, 'ss_scripted');
    classAdd(currentSlide, 'ss_show');

    // slideShow functions

    function showCounter() {
            Math.floor(swapCounter / 3600) + ':' +
            (Math.floor(swapCounter / 60) % 60) + ':' +
            swapCounter % 60

    function resetCounter() {
        swapCounter = swapTotal;

    function makeSlide(newSlide) {
        classRemove(currentSlide, 'ss_show');
        currentSlide = newSlide;
        classAdd(currentSlide, 'ss_show');

    function nextSlide() { 
        var newSlide = nodeNext(currentSlide);
        if (newSlide) makeSlide(newSlide);
            else if (loopSlideShow) makeSlide(firstSlide);

    function prevSlide() {
        var newSlide = nodePrev(currentSlide);
        if (newSlide) makeSlide(newSlide);
            else if (loopSlideShow) makeSlide(lastSlide);

    function slideUpdate() {
        if (swapCounter--) showCounter(); else nextSlide();

    function startSlideShow() {
        setInterval(slideUpdate, 1000);

    // wait for onload to actually start the countdown 

    if (window.eventListener) w.addEventListener('load', startSlideShow, false);
        else w.addEventListener('onload', startSlideShow);


    .ss_scripted img { display:none; }
.ss_scripted .ss_show { display:block; }

I'm not getting any erorrs on the code it self i'm using netbeans but this error happen only when i'm browsing to index1.php after uploaded it to the root directory. 我没有使用NetBeans自行编写代码,但仅在将其上传到根目录后浏览到index1.php时才会发生此错误。

Your variable is named $imgPath and not $imagePath , so replace it in this line: 您的变量名为$imgPath而不是$imagePath ,因此在此行将其替换:

echo '<img src="', $imageDir, '/', $imagePath, '" alt="slide" />';

The page you are seeing is the one Apache shows by defaut when there is some error while executing the request (ie your script). 您所看到的页面是Apache在执行请求(例如您的脚本)时出错时按defaut显示的页面。 As you see it is not very helpful while in development, so you should try to enable PHP error reporting*. 如您所见,它在开发中并不是很有用,因此您应该尝试启用PHP错误报告*。

* How do I get PHP errors to display * 如何显示PHP错误

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