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[英]Using C# to add an XML node to an exiting XML file

I have an XML document that I am trying to modify... 我有一个要修改的XML文档...

 <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
  <entity name="contact">
    <attribute name="fullname" />
    <attribute name="telephone1" />
    <attribute name="contactid" />
    <order attribute="fullname" descending="false" />
    <filter type = "and">
      <condition attribute="parentcustomerid" operator="eq" uiname="Tardis Communications" uitype="account" value="{BB0D0E64-C85E-E411-9405-00155D1DEA05}" />

What I am trying to do is insert this... 我想做的是插入此...

<filter type = "and">
<condition attribute="ownerid" operator= "eq-userid"/>

in between the already existing "filter" tags. 在已经存在的“过滤器”标签之间。 the new filter code is from another file (.txt). 新的过滤器代码来自另一个文件(.txt)。

I realize that this may not make sense, however, I just want to see if it is possible. 我意识到这可能没有道理,但是,我只想看看是否有可能。 If so, I can move things around after. 如果是这样,我以后可以四处走动。

Here is what I tried. 这是我尝试过的。

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument();
    //XmlNode node = null;
    foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//filter/condition")) 
        XmlElement mapNode = doc.CreateElement("filter");
        XmlAttribute newFilter = doc.CreateAttribute("lattitude");
        newFilter.Value = @"C:\Users\jellsworth\Downloads\playFilter.txt";

        node.InsertBefore(mapNode, node.FirstChild);

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 任何指导将不胜感激。

Try using XDocument. 尝试使用XDocument。

        // Load document
        XDocument myDoc = XDocument.Load(".\\Main.xml");

        // Select child element "entity" then select the child element of it you want which is "filter"
        XElement filterNode = myDoc.Root.Element("entity").Element("filter");

        //Example to iterate through all of the child nodes with the name condition
        foreach (var childNode in filterNode.Descendants("condition")) {
            // you could add another attribute to each of them
            childNode.SetAttributeValue("", "");

        // Example element to add
        XElement newCondition = new XElement("condition");
        newCondition.SetAttributeValue("attribute", "parentcustomerid");
        newCondition.SetAttributeValue("operator", "eq");


Basically, load your document with the file path as a string in 基本上,使用文件路径作为字符串加载文档


Selecting elements and drilling down is as simple as setting a new XElement myElement = myDoc.root.Element("<Child element name>"); 选择元素并向下钻取就像设置一个新的XElement一样简单myElement = myDoc.root.Element("<Child element name>");

Now myElement will always represent that node and can be iterated through as well. 现在, myElement将始终代表该节点,并且也可以对其进行迭代。 To add a node, just call whatever element such as 要添加节点,只需调用诸如

myElement.Add(<new XElement with attributes set>);

Let me know if you need any more help with another part of it, I'd be happy to help! 如果您需要其他方面的帮助,请告诉我,我们很乐意为您提供帮助!

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