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[英]Controlling a display property in responsive design

Good day, I have this question: 美好的一天,我有一个问题:

Say I have a div for a mobile displays: 假设我有一个用于移动显示器的div:

<div id="wrapper">
  <img src="#"/>

And now for tablets I would like to destroy the "wrapper" div and safe the img. 现在,对于平板电脑,我想销毁“包装器” div,并保护img。 CSS for tablet displays: 平板电脑显示的CSS:

#wrapper {display: none:}

This will destroy the wrapper but the img too, is there anyway to safe the img using just CSS and not Jquery ? 这将破坏包装器,但是img也将毁灭,无论如何,仅使用CSS而不使用Jquery来保护img是安全的吗?

Thanks Renzo 谢谢伦佐

I will try to show what is the real problem with the design of this site, is definitely more complicated than my simple question. 我将尝试展示此网站设计的真正问题是什么,它肯定比我的简单问题还要复杂。

The design: 该设计:

http://www.abejanegra.com/images/design_problem_a.jpg http://www.abejanegra.com/images/design_problem_a.jpg

What I need: 我需要的:

http://www.abejanegra.com/images/design_problem_b.jpg http://www.abejanegra.com/images/design_problem_b.jpg

I'm confused about this solution. 我对此解决方案感到困惑。

Read up on media queries. 阅读媒体查询。 You can do amazing things. 您可以做奇妙的事情。

Also, the world is a lot deeper than jquery. 而且,世界比jquery更深入。 I love it, but check out asp.net and C#, or even php. 我喜欢它,但请查看asp.net和C#,甚至php。 Code behind is extremely powerful. 背后的代码非常强大。 You could do what you're trying to do very very easily. 您可以非常轻松地完成您想做的事情。

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