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[英]Python script won't run on keyboard shortcut

So i have plenty of scripts which i run from keyboard shortcuts, things like uploading screenshots to imgur and putting links in the clipboard, stuff for digitising plots, etc. 所以我有很多脚本,我从键盘快捷键运行,比如上传截图到imgur并将链接放在剪贴板中,用于数字化图形的东西等等。

I have this current script, which only runs from the terminal, and not when i try to run it as a keyboard shortcut. 我有这个当前脚本,它只从终端运行,而不是当我尝试将其作为键盘快捷键运行时。

I'm trying to run it via the System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts on Scientific linux 6.4 . 我正试图通过Scientific linux 6.4上的System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts来运行它。

I've included the script below, in case there's anything specific about it which would stop it from working. 我已经包含了下面的脚本,以防有任何具体的内容可以阻止它工作。

import fileinput, os

import subprocess

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer
import pygments.formatters as formatters

#stdin = "\n".join([line for line in fileinput.input()])

p = subprocess.Popen(["xclip", "-selection", "primary", "-o"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
code, err = p.communicate()

if not err:

  lexer = guess_lexer(code)

  print lexer.name

  imageformatter = formatters.ImageFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="source", font_name="Liberation Mono")
  formatter = formatters.HtmlFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="source")

  HTMLresult = highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
  Jpgresult = highlight(code, lexer, imageformatter, outfile=open("syntax.png", "w"))

  with open("syntax.html", "w") as f:

    f.write("<html><head><style media='screen' type='text/css'>")

#  os.system("pdflatex syntax.tex")

  os.system("firefox syntax.html")

  os.system("uploadImage.sh syntax.png")

  print err

The way it works, is by extracting the clipboard selection using xclip , using pygments on the text, and then both creating an html document and opening it in firefox, and uploading an image to imgur (using another script i have, which i know 100% works), and then putting that image url back into the clipboard. 它的工作方式是使用xclip提取剪贴板选择,使用文本上的pygments ,然后创建一个html文档并在firefox中打开它,并将图像上传到imgur(使用我拥有的另一个脚本,我知道100 %工作),然后将该图像网址放回剪贴板。

The bin folder it resides in is in my path. 它所在的bin文件夹位于我的路径中。

I've tried all of: 我尝试了所有:

script.sh (where this file is just a shell script which calls the python script)

as the command in the keyboard preferences . 作为keyboard preferencescommand

If i change the contents of these scripts to just something like notify-send "hello" , and that then produces the notification message, so i'm fairlyconfident it's a probelm with the script, and not the keyboard shortcuts menu. 如果我将这些脚本的内容更改为notify-send "hello" ,然后生成通知消息,那么我相当自信,这是脚本的问题,而不是keyboard shortcuts菜单。

I ran into exactly the same issue. 我遇到了完全相同的问题。 Here's how I fixed it: 以下是我修复它的方法:

First of all, I wrote a one-liner shell script that looked something like python /home/user/Scripts/script.py where "/home/user/Scripts/script.py" was the location of my Python. 首先,我编写了一个单行shell脚本,看起来像python /home/user/Scripts/script.py ,其中“/home/user/Scripts/script.py”是我Python的位置。 I placed this shell script in the executable path. 我将此shell脚本放在可执行文件路径中。

Next, when I went to make my shortcut, I didn't tell the computer to run the file. 接下来,当我去创建快捷方式时,我没有告诉计算机运行该文件。 I told the computer to start a terminal and gave the shell script as an argument to that terminal. 我告诉计算机启动终端并将shell脚本作为该终端的参数。 In my case, it looked something like: xfce4-terminal -x ralia.sh . 就我而言,它看起来像: xfce4-terminal -x ralia.sh

This works for me. 这适合我。

A possible issue is $PATH being different between your interactive shell and the environment of the daemon or program that handles keyboard shortcuts. 可能的问题是$ PATH在您的交互式shell与守护程序或处理键盘快捷键的程序的环境之间存在差异。

Try right after "import os": 在“import os”之后立即尝试:

open("/tmp/debug.txt", "w").write(os.environ["PATH"])

Then run it with the keyboard shortcut and look at /tmp/debug.txt . 然后使用键盘快捷键运行它并查看/tmp/debug.txt

→ Try absolute paths for the binaries and if that doesn't help, consider jhutar's advice. →尝试二进制文件的绝对路径,如果这没有帮助,请考虑jhutar的建议。

The problem is in "with open("syntax.html", "w") as f:". 问题在于“with open(”syntax.html“,”w“)为f:”。 When using keyboard shortcuts for the script, use full path of the files in the script. 使用脚本的键盘快捷键时,请使用脚本中文件的完整路径。

Instead of: 代替:

with open("syntax.html", "w") as f:

Use: 采用:

with open("/home/user/my_script_folder/syntax.html", "w") as f:

Change all filenames in your script to full path and it should work. 将脚本中的所有文件名更改为完整路径,它应该可以正常工作。

I have had a similar issue. 我有类似的问题。 The problem is that it is necessary to use full paths to make it work using keyboard shortcuts. 问题是必须使用完整路径才能使用键盘快捷键。

In my case, this did not work: 就我而言,这不起作用:

python scrypt.py

However, this did work: 但是,这确实有效:

python /home/user/bin/scrypt.py

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