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在MVC 5 Razor视图中调用JavaScript函数

[英]Calling JavaScript function in MVC 5 Razor view

I have seen in another post that you can call a JavaScript function in your razor code like so: 我在另一篇文章中看到,您可以在剃刀代码中调用JavaScript函数,如下所示:


For me though this only outputs the actual words FunctionName() 对我来说虽然这只输出实际的单词FunctionName()

Here is my view: 这是我的观点:

@model PriceCompare.Models.QuoteModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Quote";


@if (@Model.clarify == true)
    // do drop down loic
    // fill quote
<div class="clarify">

    You can see the clarify div
<div class="quote">

    You can see the quote div

@section head {

    <script type="text/javascript">

            function ShowQuote() {
            function ShowClarify() {


Is it because I have nested it in an `@if'? 是因为我把它嵌套在`@if'中? Anyway around this? 无论如何围绕这个?

You need to put your javascript in a <script> tag, and you need to call the functions within their scope: 您需要将javascript放在<script>标记中,并且需要调用其范围内的函数:

<script type="text/javascript">

        function ShowQuote() {
        function ShowClarify() {

        @if (@Model.clarify == true)
            // do drop down loic
            // fill quote


If you are passing any parameter to the JavaScript function, it must be enclosed with quotes (''). 如果要将任何参数传递给JavaScript函数,则必须用引号('')括起来。

foreach (var item in files)
        <script type="text/javascript">
            Attachment(**'@item.FileName'**, **'@item.Size'**);

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