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[英]How do I setup ElasticSearch and Searchkick on my Nitrous.io box?

I've added the searchkick gem to my GEMFILE and I also installed ElasticSearch 1.0 with Autoparts. 我已将searchkick gem添加到我的GEMFILE中,并且我还使用Autoparts安装了ElasticSearch 1.0。 I'm still getting a connection refused message though when I attempt to reindex one of my models. 当我尝试重新索引我的一个模型时,我仍然收到连接被拒绝的消息。 I'm thinking it is possibly because my elasticsearch server hasn't been started. 我想这可能是因为我的elasticsearch服务器尚未启动。 I'm unsure how to start it though on Nitrous.io. 我不确定如何在Nitrous.io上启动它。 Below is the command I'm attempting to run and the error message I'm receiving... 下面是我正在尝试运行的命令以及我收到的错误消息...

Command 命令

rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Player

Result 结果

rake aborted!
Faraday::ConnectionFailed: Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 9200

So as silly as this is... I just thought to try and type elasticsearch in my Console of Nitrous.io and that command started my elasticsearch server and then I was able to proceed. 这样愚蠢,因为这是......我只是想尝试,并键入elasticsearch在我Nitrous.io的控制台和命令开始我elasticsearch服务器,然后我才得以继续。 Thanks to anyone that had looked into the issue with me! 感谢任何与我一起调查过这个问题的人!

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