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primefaces jsf p:ajax事件键盘忽略箭头键

[英]primefaces jsf p:ajax event keyup ignore arrow keys

I have a inputText field that has a validate button next to it. 我有一个inputText字段,旁边有一个验证按钮。 When you click the validate button it does some backend validation and a green check mark appears next to the button. 当您单击验证按钮时,它会进行一些后端验证,并且按钮旁边会出现一个绿色的复选标记。 I want that green check mark to disappear when the value changes, and right away not when losing focus because there is a test button on the page that i also disable/enable when valid. 我希望该绿色的复选标记在值更改时消失,而在失去焦点时立即消失,因为页面上有一个测试按钮,在有效时我也会禁用/启用。 so event="blur" or even="change" won't work cause they can click the button when the input text field has changed. 因此event =“ blur”或什至=“ change”将不起作用,因为当输入文本字段更改时,他们可以单击按钮。 I used keyup and that works great, but arrow keys and tab etc... trigger the event and I dont want them to. 我使用了keyup,效果很好,但是箭头键和Tab等触发事件,但我不希望它们触发。

<h:inputText id="baseURL" style="width:425px;" value="#{View.baseURL}">
    <p:ajax event="keyup" update="validIcon :addEditCatalogForm:testUrlButton" listener="#{View.resetValidation()}"/>

I see JQuery options for this, but I need one that works with the jsf and primefaces tags. 我看到了用于此的JQuery选项,但是我需要一个可与jsf和primefaces标记一起使用的选项。

From what I've seen here : http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24788 从我在这里看到的内容: http : //forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24788

The solution would be close to : 解决方案将接近:

<h:inputText id="baseURL" style="width:425px;" value="#{View.baseURL}" onkeyup="if (event.keyCode != ####_YOUR_KEYS_####) return false;">
    <p:ajax event="keyup" execute="@this keyCode" update="validIcon :addEditCatalogForm:testUrlButton" listener="#{View.resetValidation()}"/>

So using Thrax's answer I did it using the back end. 因此,使用Thrax的答案,我使用了后端。 I think this solution is messy, and I hope there is a cleaner way to do this, so If anyone else has a better solution please let me know. 我认为此解决方案比较麻烦,我希望有一种更清洁的方法可以解决此问题,因此,如果其他人有更好的解决方案,请告诉我。

Here is the code: 这是代码:

  <h:inputText id="baseURL" style="width:425px;" value="#{bean.valueYouAreChanging}" onkeyup="document.getElementById('#{keyCode.clientId}').value=event.keyCode">
        <p:ajax event="keyup" process="@this keyCode" update="validIcon :form:testUrlButtonPost" listener="#{bean.resetValidation}"/>
  <h:inputHidden id="keyCode" binding="#{keyCode}" value="#{bean.keyCode}" />

Here is the bean code. 这是bean代码。 I don't want a lot of keys to trigger the change such as arrow keys, tab, enter, home, end, etc... 我不希望有很多按键来触发更改,例如箭头键,Tab,Enter,Home,End等。

public void resetValidation() {

    String[] invalidKeys = {"9","13","16","17","18","19","20","33","34","35","36","37","38","39","40","45","224"};
    List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
    for(String key : invalidKeys) {
    if(!keys.contains(keyCode)) {
        validBaseURL = false;

I found a simpler solution by just returning your arrays of invalid keys as a JS array string: 通过将无效键的数组作为JS数组字符串返回,我找到了一个更简单的解决方案:

public String getInvalidKeysJSArray() {
    return "[9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 224]";

Then in your input component, the onkeyup parameter would look like 然后在您的输入组件中, onkeyup参数看起来像

onkeyup="return '#{keyUtilsController.invalidKeysJSArray}'.indexOf(event.keyCode) &lt; 0;"

Please note that IE Array prototype might not contain the indeoxOf function. 请注意,IE Array原型可能不包含indeoxOf函数。

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