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[英]Magento Search Not Finding Newly Created Products

Our server was recently moved and rebuilt (and that's when the issue began). 我们的服务器是最近移动和重建的(那是问题开始的时间)。

The search does find products, but only those that have been created (or been enabled) before the transfer. 该搜索确实找到了产品,但仅找到在传输之前已创建(或启用)的产品。 When I search in a category in the catalog, I can find the newly created/uploaded product. 在目录中搜索类别时,可以找到新创建/上载的产品。 It just cannot seem to be accessed by Search. 搜索似乎无法访问它。

We are using Magento 1.8.1 and the SPHINX extension (supported by mirasvit). 我们正在使用Magento 1.8.1和SPHINX扩展(由mirasvit支持)。

It seems like your product's Visibility is disabled. 您的产品的可见性似乎已被禁用。 Check your Visibility of your product. 检查产品的可见性。 Admin-> catalog -> Select that Product -> General -> Visibility set value to Catalog, search . Admin-> catalog -> Select that Product -> General -> Visibility将值设置为Catalog, search

If visibility is set to catalog/search, please check the product is enabled or disabled. 如果将可见性设置为目录/搜索,请检查产品已启用还是已禁用。 Wile importing or exporting the products, it seems to change the status of the products. 导入或导出产品时,似乎改变了产品的状态。


After backing up our server from a previous date, I was able to locate and eliminate the issue. 从以前的日期备份了服务器后,我能够找到并消除此问题。 It was regarding the cache that was created from the product, and it was being misplaced. 它与从产品创建的缓存有关,并且放错了位置。 Took hours of searching, but everything is working beautifully now. 进行了数小时的搜索,但现在一切正常。 =) =)

Thank you all for trying to help. 谢谢大家的帮助。

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