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ASP.NET MVC 5-未创建Cookie

[英]ASP.NET MVC 5 - Cookies being not created

I am having my controller action that calls a private method that handles a cookie. 我的控制器操作调用了处理cookie的私有方法。 The problem is that the cookie is not being created at all. 问题在于根本没有创建cookie。 I read multiple posts on SO but I haven't found an answer as I think that my handling cookies in this code is correct. 我在SO上阅读了多篇文章,但没有找到答案,因为我认为此代码中的Cookie处理是正确的。

Is there any web.config setting that I need to check in regards to cookies? 关于cookie,我需要检查任何web.config设置吗? I also tried different browsers. 我还尝试了不同的浏览器。

I debugged the code and I can see that the cookie is actually set in the code but as soon as I load the page and have a look at cookies the cookie is not there. 我调试了代码,可以看到代码中实际上设置了cookie,但是一旦加载页面并查看cookie,cookie就不存在了。

  private ABHomeModel HandleWhiteBoxCookie(ABHomeModel model)
            var whiteBox = _whiteBoxService.GetActiveWhiteBox();

            if (model.WhiteBox != null)
                const string cookieName = "whiteBox";

                var whiteBoxCookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get(cookieName);

                if (whiteBoxCookie != null)
                    var displayedTimes = Convert.ToInt32(whiteBoxCookie.Value);
                    if (displayedTimes < 2)

                        var cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName, displayedTimes.ToString())
                            Expires = new DateTime().AddMonths(1),
                            Secure = false

                        ViewBag.IsWhiteBoxActive = true;
                        ViewBag.IsWhiteBoxActive = false;
                    var cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName, "1")
                        HttpOnly = true,
                        Domain = Request.Url.Host,
                        Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1),
                        Secure = false

                    ViewBag.IsWhiteBoxActive = true;

                model.WhiteBox = whiteBox;

            return model;

My colleague found the issue. 我的同事发现了问题。 It is in regard to setting the domain. 与设置域有关。 As soon as we removed this line: 一旦我们删除这一行:

Domain = Request.Url.Host,

The cookies started working and are now being created. Cookies开始工作,现在正在创建。

The full updated code of the method: 该方法的完整更新代码:

private ABHomeModel HandleWhiteBoxCookie(ABHomeModel model)
            var whiteBox = _whiteBoxService.GetActiveWhiteBox();

            if (whiteBox != null)
                const string cookieName = "whiteBox";

                var whiteBoxCookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get(cookieName);

                if (whiteBoxCookie != null)
                    var displayedTimes = Convert.ToInt32(whiteBoxCookie.Value);
                    if (displayedTimes < 2)

                        var cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName, displayedTimes.ToString())
                            HttpOnly = true,
                            Secure = false

                        ViewBag.IsWhiteBoxActive = true;
                        ViewBag.IsWhiteBoxActive = false;
                    var cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName, "1")
                        HttpOnly = true,
                        Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1),
                        Secure = false

                    ViewBag.IsWhiteBoxActive = true;

                model.WhiteBox = whiteBox;

            return model;

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