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[英]Trouble styling extended polymer element (paper-slider)

I am trying to extend the Polymer paper-slider element to be able to take an enumerated list and iterate over these values in the slider instead of only displaying numeric values. 我正在尝试扩展Polymer纸滑块元素,以便能够获取枚举列表并遍历滑块中的这些值,而不是仅显示数字值。 But I'm having trouble getting the styles to work. 但是我很难使样式起作用。 As you can see if you run this code snippet, the div with the text in it isn't centered over the pin correctly. 如您所见,如果您运行此代码段,则其中包含文本的div不会正确地定位在图钉上。 I'd also like the background color of the text to match the pin (it should be grey on the left-most position and colored on the others). 我还希望文本的背景颜色与图钉相匹配(最左边的位置应该是灰色,其他位置的颜色应该是灰色)。 I'd also like to get rid of the circular hump behind it. 我也想摆脱它背后的圆形驼峰。 Your CSS help is greatly appreciated! 非常感谢您的CSS帮助!

Also, if you have any recommendations for how to do any of this more efficiently, please chime in. 另外,如果您对如何更有效地执行此操作有任何建议,请加入。

 <script src="http://www.polymer-project.org/platform.js"></script> <link rel="import" href="http://www.polymer-project.org/components/polymer/polymer.html"> <link href="http://www.polymer-project.org/components/paper-slider/paper-slider.html" rel="import"> <polymer-element name="rate-picker" extends="paper-slider" attributes="snaps pin disabled secondaryProgress editable immediateValue"> <template> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.polymer-project.org/components/paper-slider/paper-slider.css"> <style> .pin > #sliderKnob > #sliderKnobInner::after { white-space: nowrap; content: attr(value); width: auto; left: calc(15px - 100%); background: #3f51b5; border: 5px solid #3f51b5; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; height: 12px; top: -3px; line-height: 10px; text-align: center; color: #fff; font-size: 10px; -webkit-transform: scale(0) translate(0); transform: scale(0) translate(0); } </style> <template if="{{!disabled}}"> <core-a11y-keys target="{{}}" keys="left down pagedown home" on-keys-pressed="{{decrementKey}}"></core-a11y-keys> <core-a11y-keys target="{{}}" keys="right up pageup end" on-keys-pressed="{{incrementKey}}"></core-a11y-keys> </template> <div id="sliderContainer" class="{{ {disabled: disabled, pin: pin, snaps: snaps, ring: immediateValue <= min, expand: expand, dragging: dragging, transiting: transiting, editable: editable} | tokenList }}"> <div class="bar-container"> <paper-progress id="sliderBar" aria-hidden="true" min="{{min}}" max="{{max}}" value="{{immediateValue}}" secondaryProgress="{{secondaryProgress}}" on-down="{{bardown}}" on-up="{{resetKnob}}" on-trackstart="{{trackStart}}" on-trackx="{{trackx}}" on-trackend="{{trackEnd}}"></paper-progress> </div> <template if="{{snaps && !disabled}}"> <div class="slider-markers" horizontal layout> <template repeat="{{markers}}"> <div flex class="slider-marker"></div> </template> </div> </template> <div id="sliderKnob" on-down="{{expandKnob}}" on-up="{{resetKnob}}" on-trackstart="{{trackStart}}" on-trackx="{{trackx}}" on-trackend="{{trackEnd}}" on-transitionend="{{knobTransitionEnd}}" center-justified center horizontal layout> <div id="sliderKnobInner" value="{{enumValue}}"></div> </div> </div> <template if="{{editable}}"> <paper-input id="input" class="slider-input" value="{{immediateValue}}" disabled?="{{disabled}}" on-change="{{inputChange}}"></paper-input> </template> </template> <script> Polymer('rate-picker', { ready: function () { this.disabled = false; this.snaps = true; this.pin = true; this.min = 0; this.max = 5; this.value = 0; this.enumValues = ["No rating", "Strongly disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly agree"]; this.enumValue = this.enumValues[this.value]; }, immediateValueChanged: function() { this.enumValue = this.enumValues[this.immediateValue]; this.super(); } }); </script> </polymer-element> <polymer-element name="my-element" noscript> <template> <style> :host { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; } :host .label { width: 150px; } </style> <div layout horizontal> <div class="label" self-center>RED</div> <rate-picker></rate-picker> </div> <div layout horizontal> <div class="label" self-center>GREEN</div> <rate-picker></rate-picker> </div> <div layout horizontal> <div class="label" self-center>BLUE</div> <rate-picker></rate-picker> </div> <div layout horizontal> <div class="label" self-center>ORANGE</div> <rate-picker></rate-picker> </div> <div layout horizontal> <div class="label" self-center>PURPLE</div> <rate-picker></rate-picker> </div> </template> </polymer-element> <my-element></my-element> 

Your css has the following rule which prevents the div to extend (or to center the text). CSS具有以下规则,可防止div扩展(或使文本居中)。 Remove it and it will work as expected. 删除它,它将按预期工作。

.pin > #sliderKnob > #sliderKnobInner::after {
  width: 32px;

(Or) add a "width: auto" in your own inline style. (或)以您自己的内联样式添加“ width:auto”。 Should work. 应该管用。

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