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[英]Creating a loop to check a variable to make sure it is a positive integer

I'm trying to create a program that creates a list of the first nth Fibonacci terms. 我正在尝试创建一个程序,该程序创建前n个斐波纳契项的列表。 The program itself works in that it creates the list of Fibonacci numbers. 该程序本身的工作方式是创建斐波那契数字列表。 The problem is that I want to make it check to make sure that n is a positive integer but I do not know how. 问题是我要进行检查以确保n是一个正整数,但我不知道怎么做。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

n = int(input("Please enter the number of Fibonacci numbers you want: "))
def fib(n):
    if 0 <= n <= 1:
        return 1
        return(fib(n-1) + fib(n-2))

if n < 0:
   print("Please enter a positive integer")
   n = None
   for i in range(n):
       print(fib(i), end=", ")       

ender = input("\nPress enter to end the program\n")
  • To start, it askes for a user input of n, which is set to be an integer 首先,它询问用户输入n的值,该值设置为整数
  • Then program defines the function fib(n) 然后程序定义函数fib(n)
  • Then it checks if n is equal to 1 or 0 and returns the value 1 然后它检查n是否等于1或0并返回值1
  • If not, then it does the Fibonacci sequence on the value n 如果不是,则对值n执行斐波那契数列
  • Then a check is done, if n < 0 then print the error and remove the value of n 然后进行检查,如果n <0,则打印错误并删除n的值
  • This is where the problem arises in that it cannot loop back and replace the value of n since it would create an infinite loop, and I can't define the integer value of n inside the fib(n) function 这就是问题所在,因为它无法循环返回并替换n的值,因为它将创建无限循环,而且我无法在fib(n)函数内定义n的整数值
  • The else statement is just formatting and prints out the Fibonacci numbers in a list separated by commas and spaces, and ender holds the program so that it doesn't end automatically. else语句只是格式化,并在用逗号和空格分隔的列表中打印出斐波那契数,而ender持有该程序,因此该程序不会自动结束。

How would I go about creating a loop that removes the negative value of n and asks for it again? 我将如何创建一个删除n负值并再次请求的循环?

Many Thanks 非常感谢


To expand a bit on what the others have given you: 进一步介绍其他人给您的东西:

n = -1
while n < 0:
        n = int(input("Please enter the number of Fibonacci numbers you want: "))
    except ValueError:

Which will handle users who try to sneakily put in values like HELLO instead of 5 它将处理试图偷偷输入HELLO之类的值(而不是5

A good way to go about this is the following: 解决此问题的好方法如下:

n = int(input("Please enter the number of Fibonacci numbers you want: "))

while n < 0:

    n = int(input("Bad input! try again: "))

*** do your other things ***

This way, it repeatedly checks until you have good input. 这样,它将反复检查,直到您输入正确。

You can set up a while loop in the beginning of your code: 您可以在代码的开头设置while循环:

n = -1
while n <= 0:
    n = int(input("Please enter the number of Fibonacci numbers you want: "))

You can use a boolean variable, you keep looping until you enter a positive number, in this case you turn the value to be False 您可以使用布尔变量,一直循环直到您输入正数,在这种情况下,您将值设为False

def fib(n):
    if 0 == n and n == 1:
        return 1
        return(fib(n-1) + fib(n-2))
isTrue= True

while isTrue: 
    n = int(input("Please enter the number of Fibonacci numbers you want: "))

    if n < 0:
        print("Please enter a positive integer")
        isTrue= False
        for i in range(n):
            print(fib(i), end=", ")       

ender = input("\nPress enter to end the program\n")

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