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[英]nodejs stream readable stuck at first readable object

I have a NodeJS stream.Readable : 我有一个NodeJS流。可读

var async = require('async'),
    util = require('util'),
    ReadableStream = require('readable-stream').Readable;

function ArticleReader() {
  ReadableStream.call(this, { objectMode: true });

util.inherits(ArticleReader, ReadableStream);

ArticleReader.prototype._read = function() {
    var articles = ['article1', 'article2'];
    var self = this;
    async.each(articles, function(link, callback) {
    }, function(err) {
        if (err) {
            self.emit('error', err);
        } else {

And this is the consumer: 这是消费者:

var article = new ArticleReader();

  article.on('readable', function() {
  var buf = article.read();

article.on('end', function() {

Here's the output: 这是输出:


The problem is program is stuck at 'article1' , it never reads 'article2' , and it never reaches end event too. 问题是程序停留在'article1' ,它从不读'article2' ,它也永远不会到达end事件。

Note that the event end fires when there will be no more data to read. 请注意,当没有更多数据要读取时,事件end触发。

Also the end event will not fire unless the data is completely consumed. 除非数据被完全消耗,否则不会触发 end事件。 This can be done by switching into flowing mode , or by calling read() repeatedly until you get to the end. 这可以通过切换到flowing mode ,或通过重复调用read()直到结束来完成。

The solution, was to keep reading until the end of the stream is reached. 解决方案是继续阅读直到达到流的末尾。

var readable = getReadableStreamSomehow();

readable.on('readable', function() {
  while ((buf = readable.read()) != null) {

readable.on('data', function(chunk) {
  console.log('got %d bytes of data', chunk.length);
readable.on('end', function() {
  console.log('there will be no more data.');

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