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[英]drag drop with scroll in mobile issue

check code http://liveweave.com/ExmKkE 检查代码http://liveweave.com/ExmKkE 在此处输入图片说明

i have both scrollable and droppable object , problem i that when i try to scroll in mobile device object starts dragging how to stop dragging behaviour when scrolled 我同时具有可滚动和可拖放对象,问题一,当我尝试在移动设备中滚动时,对象开始拖动,如何在滚动时停止拖动行为

see below link : http://liveweave.com/ExmKkE 参见以下链接: http : //liveweave.com/ExmKkE

is it possible to stop vertical drag drop or any better way to overcome it 是否可以停止垂直阻力下降或克服它的更好方法

Use the Quo.js , it will fit your needs. 使用Quo.js ,它将满足您的需求。 Probably you will use the hold method. 可能您将使用hold方法。 Or if you don't want to use, this answer might be the best for you. 或者,如果您不想使用,此答案可能是最适合您的。 Trigger Click-and-Hold Event 触发点击并保持事件

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