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如何读取文件行并存储它们? C ++

[英]How to read file lines and store them? C++

So far I am able to open a txt file and store them as variables. 到目前为止,我已经能够打开一个txt文件并将其存储为变量。

My txt file looks like this 我的txt文件看起来像这样

Tim, 24, Male

I have been able to store them as variables such as name , age , gender 我已经能够将它们存储为变量,例如nameagegender

This is my code 这是我的代码

ifstream inputfiles ("test.txt");

        while(inputfiles >> name >> age >> gender)
            cout << name << "\n";
            cout << age << "\n";
            cout << gender << "\n";

However, my code doesn't store the values as variables when my txt file looks like this... 但是,当我的txt文件看起来像这样时,我的代码不会将值存储为变量...


How do I modify my code such that it can read my file line by line and store it in its variables? 如何修改代码,使其可以逐行读取文件并将其存储在变量中?

If I am right, You want to store it like: 如果我是对的,您想像这样存储它:

  1. Tim 24 Male 蒂姆24男
  2. John 25 Male 约翰25男

Use a class 使用课程

    class data
        char name[10],gen;
        int age;
        void getdata()
            cout<<"Enter Name";
            cout<<Enter age";
            cout<<"enter gender";
        void putdata()//use cout statements here
        //put cout statements

Now in your main function,use write functon 现在在您的主要功能中,使用write functon

fstream f;
data r;    

Remember,always use read function to print the database values if you used write. 请记住,如果使用写操作,则始终使用读取功能来打印数据库值。


If you want to store the text as it is without conversion...use put function. 如果您想直接存储文本而不进行转换...请使用put函数。

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