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[英]Issue on a web service request

I'm quite new to web service development, so please bear with me. 我是Web服务开发的新手,所以请多多包涵。

I'm trying to make an asmx web service call. 我正在尝试拨打asmx网络服务。 On the test development machines here in our office, there is absolutely no problem. 在我们办公室的测试开发机器上,绝对没有问题。 However, on a clients site, there is an issue with 2 of their machines, but no issue on another machine. 但是,在客户站点上,他们的两台计算机有问题,而另一台计算机上没有问题。

I'm getting the following error on the aforementioned 2 machines when trying to make the outgoing web service request: 尝试发出传出的Web服务请求时,在上述2台机器上出现以下错误:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Policy Jump</title>
    <meta name="id" content="policyJump" >
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<BODY>This document has moved <A href="">here</A> </BODY>

That page is a proxy login page. 该页面是代理登录页面。 You need to authenticate the call from the client site. 您需要验证来自客户端站点的呼叫。

If your next question then is "How?" 如果您的下一个问题是“如何?” , you should ask their network administrators. ,您应该询问其网络管理员。 For authenticating the call, see for example add web service reference from behind a proxy server . 要验证呼叫,请参阅例如从代理服务器后面添加Web服务参考

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 It was a permissions issue on the client side. 这是客户端的权限问题。 The client network admins have allocated the appropriate permissions for the URL in question. 客户端网络管理员已为所讨论的URL分配了适当的权限。

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