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[英]PayPal Sandbox API Status

Im having issues with the paypal sandbox api today. 我今天在使用Paypal沙箱api时遇到问题。 It seems that Im getting no return data back from PayPal. 我似乎没有从PayPal返回任何返回数据。 None of the code has changed and it was tested and working last night. 所有代码均未更改,昨晚已通过测试并可以正常工作。

I am using the Angeleye classic API library. 我正在使用Angeleye经典API库。 https://www.angelleye.com/product/php-class-library-paypal/ https://www.angelleye.com/product/php-class-library-paypal/

In my code I am using their adaptive payment API. 在我的代码中,我正在使用他们的自适应支付API。

The errors Im getting are 我得到的错误是

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in /src/angelleye/PayPal/Adaptive.php on line 1394 警告:DOMDocument :: loadXML():/ 1rc行的/src/angelleye/PayPal/Adaptive.php中作为输入提供的空字符串

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in /src/angelleye/PayPal/Adaptive.php on line 158 警告:DOMDocument :: loadXML():在第158行的/src/angelleye/PayPal/Adaptive.php中作为输入提供的空字符串

Both of those places are for PayPal Return Data. 这两个地方都用于PayPal返回数据。

Other than my sent data I am getting 除了我发送的数据外

[Errors] => Array ( ) [Ack] => [Build] => [CorrelationID] => [Timestamp] => [PreapprovalKey] => [RedirectURL] => [XMLRequest] => [错误] =>数组()[Ack] => [Build] => [CorrelationID] => [Timestamp] => [PreapprovalKey] => [RedirectURL] => [XMLRequest] =>

and at the end I have [XMLResponse] => 最后我有[XMLResponse] =>

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Is there someone that can tell me if they changed something with the API or if PayPal is having issues with their Sandbox enviorment? 是否有人可以告诉我他们是否更改了API或PayPal的沙盒环境存在问题?

I checked their normal API status page but it doesnt seem to cover their Sandbox enviorment. 我检查了他们的常规API状态页,但它似乎没有涵盖他们的沙盒环境。

There is a known vulnerability with SSLv3 , and as such, PayPal has officially killed it on their sandbox. SSLv3存在一个已知漏洞,因此,PayPal已在其沙盒中正式杀死了该漏洞 They just sent out notice about an hour ago that it will officially be killed on the live servers on 12/3/14. 他们刚刚发出通知,大约一个小时前,它将在14/3/14的实时服务器上正式被杀死。

I've already updated my class library to resolve this issue, and I sent out notifications on my Facebook page, Google Page, and email newsletter. 已经更新了班级库以解决此问题,并且在我的Facebook页面,Google Page和电子邮件新闻通讯中发送了通知。 You need to get on one of those so you can get updates like this in the future. 您需要使用其中之一,以便将来能够获得类似的更新。

You need to make sure your cURL version supports TLS in order for the update to work for you. 您需要确保您的cURL版本支持TLS,才能使更新生效。 Check phpinfo() on your server, and then look for the cURL version. 检查服务器上的phpinfo(),然后查找cURL版本。 It needs to be 7.36.0. 它必须是7.36.0。 If it's anything lower you'll probably have to update that, too. 如果更低,您可能也必须进行更新。

This is something that PayPal, eBay, Google, Facebook, etc. are all doing because of the vulnerability, so while it might be a pain if you have to update PHP/cURL on your server, it's a must. 由于存在此漏洞,PayPal,eBay,Google,Facebook等都在这样做,因此,如果必须在服务器上更新PHP / cURL可能会很麻烦,但这是必须的。

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