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[英]Access control for private docker registry

is there a way to access control for push and pull for private docker registry ? 有没有一种方法可以访问私有Docker注册表的推拉访问控制?

I have a machine where I am running a private docker registry like this 我有一台运行私有Docker注册表的机器

sudo yum install python-devel libevent-devel python-pip gcc xz-devel
sudo python-pip install docker-registry[bugsnag]
gunicorn --access-logfile - --debug -k gevent -b -w 1 docker_registry.wsgi:application

I have taken this from the github of docker registry under Run the Registry section. 我从GitHub的采取这一泊坞窗注册表下运行注册表部分。

This works fine but then anybody can pull and push to this. 这可以正常工作,但是任何人都可以拉并推动它。 I would like to restrict the control of who can pull/push to registry. 我想限制谁可以拉/推到注册表的控制。

Is there a way to do it ? 有办法吗?

Appreciate your response. 感谢您的回应。

You could use any web server with authentication before registry. 您可以在注册之前使用任何具有身份验证的Web服务器。 Here the sample with ngnix. 这里的样本带有ngnix。

PS There is similar question . PS也有类似的问题

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