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Travis CI跳过测试(Gradle Android项目)

[英]Travis CI skip tests (Gradle Android project)

Now I'm configuring Travis CI for my Gradle-based Android project. 现在我正在为基于Gradle的Android项目配置Travis CI。 Is it possible to temporary disable tests launch from Travis to just know - if project could be built or not? 是否可以临时禁用从Travis启动的测试,只知道 - 是否可以构建项目?

By default, Travis-ci executes ./gradlew build connectedCheck if no script: section is found. 默认情况下,如果找不到script:部分,Travis-ci将执行./gradlew build connectedCheck

Failed tests are ignored if you add the next code to all your tested modules ( build.gradle files). 如果将下一个代码添加到所有测试模块( build.gradle文件),则会忽略失败的测试。

project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
    connectedAndroidTest {
        ignoreFailures = true

Another option is to skip the install stage and only to use ./gradlew build (or ./gradle build without gradle wrapper) so tests are not performed. 另一种选择是跳过安装阶段,只使用./gradlew build (或./gradle build而不使用gradle包装器),因此不执行测试。

  # Check install section: http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-configuration/#install
  # If you'd like to skip the install stage entirely, set it to true and nothing will be run.
  - true

  # By default Travis-ci executes './gradlew build connectedCheck' if no 'script:' section found.
  - ./gradlew build

You can use the -x command line argument which excludes any task ( see this answer ). 您可以使用-x命令行参数来排除任何任务( 请参阅此答案 )。

gradle build -x test 

Check output of 检查输出

./gradlew tasks

and then use: 然后使用:

./gradlew assemble

Like in this thread: Gradle build without tests 就像在这个线程中: 没有测试的Gradle构建

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