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[英]What is the meaning of -2 in this IL instruction?

I was discovering the IL code of a simple program: 我发现了一个简单程序的IL code

long x = 0;
for(long i = 0;i< int.MaxValue * 2L; i++)
    x = i;


I build this code in Release mode and this IL code is generated: 我在发布模式下构建此代码,并生成此IL code

.method private hidebysig static void  Main(string[] args) cil managed
  // Code size       28 (0x1c)
  .maxstack  2
  .locals init ([0] int64 x,
           [1] int64 i)
  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0001:  conv.i8
  IL_0002:  stloc.0
  IL_0003:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0004:  conv.i8
  IL_0005:  stloc.1
  IL_0006:  br.s       IL_000f
  IL_0008:  ldloc.1
  IL_0009:  stloc.0
  IL_000a:  ldloc.1
  IL_000b:  ldc.i4.1
  IL_000c:  conv.i8
  IL_000d:  add
  IL_000e:  stloc.1
  IL_000f:  ldloc.1
  IL_0010:  ldc.i4.s   -2
  IL_0012:  conv.u8
  IL_0013:  blt.s      IL_0008
  IL_0015:  ldloc.0
  IL_0016:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int64)
  IL_001b:  ret
} // end of method Program::Main

I figure out pretty much all the insructions except this: 除了这个,我几乎找出了所有的解释:

 IL_0010:  ldc.i4.s   -2

Now this insruction should push int.MaxValue * 2L onto the stack and then blt.s will compare it with i , if i is less than the value go back to the IL_0008 .But, what I can't figure out is that why it loads -2 ? 现在这个insruction应该将int.MaxValue * 2L推入堆栈然后blt.s将它与i进行比较,如果i小于该值则返回到IL_0008 。但是,我无法弄清楚的是为什么它载荷-2 If I change the loop like below: 如果我改变循环如下:

for(long i = 0;i < int.MaxValue * 3L; i++)
     x = i;

It loads the expected value: 它加载预期值:

IL_0010:  ldc.i8     0x17ffffffd

So what is the meaning of -2 in this code? 那么这个代码中-2的含义是什么?

int.MaxValue * 2L is a 64-bit number, which however still fits into 32-bits ( 4,294,967,294 , or 0xFFFFFFFE ). int.MaxValue * 2L是一个64位数字,但仍然适合32位( 4,294,967,2940xFFFFFFFE )。 So, the compiler is loading 0xFFFFFFFE (which is equal to -2 when interpreted as Int32 ) and then extending it to an unsigned 64-bit value. 因此,编译器加载0xFFFFFFFE (当解释为Int32时等于-2),然后将其扩展为无符号的64位值。

The reason it used the signed form is that the number, when interpreted as a signed value -2 , fits into a single signed byte ( -128 to 127 ), meaning that the compiler was able to emit the short form ldc.i4.s opcode to load a 32-bit value from a single byte. 它使用带符号形式的原因是,当被解释为有符号值-2时,该数字适合单个带符号的字节( -128127 ),这意味着编译器能够发出短形式ldc.i4.s操作码从单个字节加载32位值。 It only took 2 bytes to load the 32-bit signed integer, and additional 1 byte to convert it to a 64-bit value - this is far better than using a 64-bit load instruction followed by a full 8 byte unsigned integer. 它只需要2个字节来加载32位有符号整数,另外1个字节将其转换为64位值 - 这比使用64位加载指令后跟一个完整的8字节无符号整数要好得多。

It looks like the compiler is using bitwise mathematics to its advantage. 看起来编译器正在使用按位数学来发挥它的优势。 It just so happens that the Two's Complement value of -2 is equal to the unsigned integers value of (int.MaxValue*2L) 碰巧的是, Two的Complement值-2等于(int.MaxValue * 2L)的无符号整数值

In the bitwise representation: 在按位表示:

-                                          1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 (int)
-                                          1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 (uint)
-  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 (long

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