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[英]Goal seek exit year rises infinitely

I am brand new to VBA. 我是VBA的新手。 I have a basic excel 2010 project finance model I made specifically for practicing goal seek macros and learning some VBA. 我有一个基本的Excel 2010项目财务模型,我专门针对练习目标搜索宏和学习一些VBA而制作的。 I used this macro (taken from a workbook made by someone else) and successfully adapted it to my own to find the PPA rate by entering the desired IRR. 我使用了这个宏(取自其他人的工作簿),并通过输入所需的IRR成功地对其进行了调整,以找到PPA汇率。

However, I am trying to adapt it again to find the exit year by entering desired IRR, and it causes the exit year to increase infinitely. 但是,我试图通过输入所需的IRR再次对其进行调整以找到退出年份,这会导致退出年份无限增加。 Ideally I want it to only be able to seek for a year within a specified range and only round numbers (ie years 1-25 only) 理想情况下,我希望它只能搜索指定范围内的一年并且只能取整数(即仅1-25年)

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Equity_IRR_New = Range("D21").Value
Equity_IRR_Old = Range("C23").Value
Tariff_New = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value
Tariff_Old = 0
'Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value = 100000'
If (Equity_IRR_New < Equity_IRR_Old) Then
    Do Until (Equity_IRR_New >= Equity_IRR_Old)
        ExitYr_Old = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value
        ExitYr_New = ExitYr_Old * (0.999)
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value = ExitYr_New
        Equity_IRR_Old = Range("C23").Value
End If

If (Equity_IRR_New > Equity_IRR_Old) Then
    Do Until (Equity_IRR_New <= Equity_IRR_Old)
        ExitYr_Old = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value
        ExitYr_New = ExitYr_Old * (1.001)
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value = ExitYr_New
        Equity_IRR_Old = Range("C23").Value
End If

Range("C21").Value = ExitYr_New

End Sub

Thank you in advance 先感谢您

The problem is because your loop condition is looking for Equity_IRR_New <= Equity_IRR_Old , and that condition will never be met since you're INCREASING Equity_IRR_New in each loop iteration. 问题是因为您的循环条件正在寻找Equity_IRR_New <= Equity_IRR_Old ,并且由于您在每次循环迭代中都Equity_IRR_New ,所以永远不会满足该条件。

The way you have it setup based on your comment "'Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value = 100000'", it will only enter the second "if" block, ie: 根据注释“'Worksheets(“ Sheet1”)。Range(“ C21”)。Value = 100000'“进行设置的方式,它将仅输入第二个” if“块,即:

If (Equity_IRR_New > Equity_IRR_Old) Then
    Do Until (Equity_IRR_New <= Equity_IRR_Old)
        ExitYr_Old = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value
        ExitYr_New = ExitYr_Old * (1.001)
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C21").Value = ExitYr_New
        Equity_IRR_Old = Range("C23").Value
End If

As I said above, the value of Equity_IRR_New is ever increasing with every loop, because of the statement ExitYr_New = ExitYr_Old * (1.001) , and therefore, if it's not less than or equal to Equity_IRR_Old to start of with, it will never be. 就像我在上面说的Equity_IRR_New ,由于语句ExitYr_New = ExitYr_Old * (1.001) ,因此Equity_IRR_New的值在每个循环中Equity_IRR_New在不断增加,因此,如果它不小于等于Equity_IRR_Old ,它将永远不会。 What is the initial value in cell "C23"? 单元格“ C23”中的初始值是多少?

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