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[英]JTextArea not updating in real time despite attempt at correct threading

Here is another one of those 'how do I get a JTextArea to update in real time' questions. 这是“我如何获得一个JTextArea实时更新”问题中的另一个问题。 I've read every one of the existing posts, and I think that I am threading this correctly. 我已经阅读了现有的每一篇帖子,并且我认为自己对此进行了正确的处理。 However, I'm still having that same problem - my JTextArea doesn't update until the loop has finished and then it updats in one big blast. 但是,我仍然遇到同样的问题-我的JTextArea直到循环完成后才更新,然后一次刷新就更新了。 Can somebody see where I am doing this incorrectly? 有人可以看到我在哪里做错了吗? I can't see it. 我看不到 Thanks! 谢谢!

EDIT: switch the text area updating the called method. 编辑:切换文本区域更新调用的方法。 But I still have the same result! 但是我仍然有相同的结果!

private void saveImagesToDisk() {

    textArea.append("\nPreparing to save photos to photos directory\n\n");

    for (MediaFeedData mfd : imagesMetaDataList) {
        try {
            String imageURL = mfd.getImages().getLowResolution().getImageUrl();
            final String filename = mfd.getId(); // just name the file using the image id from instagram

            SaveImageFromUrl.saveImage(imageURL, filename, textArea);

        } catch (IOException e) {



Then, on in the save method, I have this: 然后,在save方法中,我有以下内容:

public class SaveImageFromUrl {

public static Boolean saveImage(final String imageUrl, String destinationFile, final JTextArea textArea) throws IOException {

    String directoryName = "photos";
    if (!makePhotosDirectory(directoryName, textArea)) {return false;}

    File file = new File(directoryName, destinationFile);
    URL url = new URL(imageUrl);
    InputStream is = url.openStream();
    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);

    byte[] b = new byte[2048];
    int length;

    while ((length = is.read(b)) != -1) {
        os.write(b, 0, length);


    new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    textArea.append(imageUrl + " written to photos directory\n");

    return true;

Both the for loop and the code in the method below need to be called in a background thread, and this you're not doing. for循环和下面方法中的代码都需要在后台线程中调用,而您无需这样做。

if (SaveImageFromUrl.saveImage(imageURL, filename, textArea)) {

Just using a background thread will not help if the time-intensive code is not the code that is called in the background. 如果耗时的代码不是在后台调用的代码,仅使用后台线程将无济于事。

Consider using a SwingWorker, something like,... 考虑使用SwingWorker,类似...

   private void saveImagesToDisk() {
      textArea.append("\nPreparing to save photos to photos directory\n\n");

      final SwingWorker<Void, String> imageWorker = new SwingWorker<Void, String>() {
         protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {

            for (MediaFeedData mfd : imagesMetaDataList) {
               final String imageURL = mfd.getImages().getLowResolution().getImageUrl();
               final String filename = mfd.getId();
               String textToPublish = "";
               if (SaveImageFromUrl.saveImage(imageURL, filename, textArea)) {
                  textToPublish = filename + " written to photos directory\n";
               } else {
                  textToPublish = filename + " not saved!\n";

               // publish String so it can be used in the process method
            return null;

         protected void process(List<String> chunks) {
            // Strings sent to the EDT by the publish method
            // This called on the Swing event thread.
            for (String chunk : chunks) {

      imageWorker.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {

         public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
            if (evt.getNewValue() == SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE) {
               try {
                  // need to call this on the event thread
                  // to catch any exceptions that have occurred int he Swing Worker
               } catch (InterruptedException e) {
               } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                  // TODO catch exceptions buried in this guy

      // run our SwingWorker

For more details, please read Concurrency in Swing . 有关更多详细信息,请阅读Swing中的并发

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