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[英]How to start JUnit tests separately?

I am new in JUnit and I found a lot of examples in web, but all of them show me a class of tests, where they start in sequence. 我是JUnit的新手,我在Web上找到了很多示例,但是所有示例都向我展示了一系列测试,它们按顺序开始。 I have the follow test class: 我有以下测试课程:

public class ControlServiceTest {
    public void testCreateUser() {

        //some stuff


    public void testLoginUser() {

        //some stuff


But i need to start only one test at same time, not both. 但是我只需要同时开始一个测试,而不是两个都开始。 I will be glad if somebody explain me how can I do it. 如果有人向我解释我该怎么做,我会很高兴。

If you're using Eclipse: 如果您使用的是Eclipse:

Right click on the specific test that you want to run in Outline, Run As -> JUnit Test. 右键单击要在Outline,Run As-> JUnit Test中运行的特定测试。

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