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如何获得字典的钥匙和价值 <int, string> 从方法返回

[英]How to get the Key and the Value of Dictionary<int, string> returned from method

I'm collecting data dynamically and I've chosen Dictionary<int, string> as data structure to store this data. 我正在动态收集数据,并且选择了Dictionary<int, string>作为数据结构来存储此数据。

At the beginning of my method I declare a variable : 在我的方法开始时,我声明了一个变量:

Dictionary<int, string> templatesKeyName = new Dictionary<int, string>();

at the end of the method I want templatesKeyName to contains all pairs of int (ids) and Names relevent for this request. 在方法的末尾,我希望templatesKeyName包含此请求的所有对int(id)和Names relevent。 So for example I have: 例如,我有:

private static Dictionary<int, string> GetTemplateForUserWithAccount()
Dictionary<int, string> kv = new Dictionary<int, string>();
//populate the `kv` dictionary
return kv;

and I want to be able to do something like: 而且我希望能够执行以下操作:

if(Client.Accounts.Count > 0)

Obviously .Add() extension expects two arguments but I wasn't able to find out how can I pass the values from the method without writing first assigning the result to e temporary Dictionary and then iterating with foreach .Also, most likely I will get single result most of the time so iteration is not something that I consider really. 显然.Add()扩展名需要两个参数,但是我无法找出如何从方法中传递值,而无需首先将结果分配给e临时Dictionary,然后使用foreach进行迭代。此外,我很可能会得到大多数情况下都是单一结果,因此迭代并不是我真正考虑的东西。

You can create an extension method for that: 您可以为此创建扩展方法:

public static void AddRange<T,K>(this Dictionary<T,K> source, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T,K>> values)
    foreach(var kvp in values)
          source.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

And use it like the following: 并按如下所示使用它:


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