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[英]Run-time error 9: Subscript out of range while working with string arrays

I'm new to vba script. 我是vba脚本的新手。 I am trying to write a function below but couldn't make it out successfully. 我正在尝试在下面编写一个函数,但无法成功实现。 I really appreciate any help I can get on this. 我真的很感谢我能为此提供的任何帮助。

The code is: 代码是:

Option Explicit

Dim status As String

Sub StartModule()
Dim index As Integer
Dim result As String
Dim a As Integer
Dim Name As Variant

Range("D4").Value = 1
Range("D5").Value = 5
Range("D6").Value = 9
Range("D7").Value = 2

Dim o: Set o = CreateObject("NAddIn.Functions")
status = ""

Do Until status = "DADA"
    result = o.getRandomNumber
    Name = Split(result, ",")

    If Trim(Name(3)) = Trim(Range("D4").Value) Then
        Range("C4").Value = "one"
    End If
    If Trim(Name(3)) = Trim(Range("D5").Value) Then
        Range("C5").Value = "five"
    End If
    If Trim(Name(3)) = Trim(Range("D6").Value) Then
        Range("C4").Value = "nine"
    End If
    If Trim(Name(3)) = Trim(Range("D7").Value) Then
        Range("C7").Value = "two"
    End If

    Wait 1 '<~~ Wait for a second
    If status = "EXIT" Then Exit Do

End Sub

Sub StopModule()
    status = "EXIT"
End Sub

Private Sub Wait(ByVal nSec As Long)
    nSec = nSec + Timer
    While nSec > Timer
End Sub

This vba script is calling a getRandomNumber() which is a user defined function in dll file. 此vba脚本正在调用getRandomNumber() ,这是dll文件中的用户定义函数。 It generates string of random numbers in the range(1,10); 它生成范围为(1,10)的随机数字符串; Then the thrid random number in the string is compared with cell values in excel to update cells in excel with some string values. 然后将字符串中的第三随机数与excel中的单元格值进行比较,以使用一些字符串值更新excel中的单元格。

Bu,the problem is I am getting an error Run-time error 9: Subscript out of range at line If Trim(Name(3)) = Trim(Range("D4").Value) then. Bu,问题是我遇到了错误Run-time error 9: Subscript out of range If Trim(Name(3)) = Trim(Range("D4").Value)则下Run-time error 9: Subscript out of range

Then the thrid random number in the string is compared with cell values in excel to update cells in excel with some string values. 然后将字符串中的第三随机数与excel中的单元格值进行比较,以使用一些字符串值更新excel中的单元格。

You're comparing fourth random number. 您正在比较第四个随机数。 Your 'Name' elements are (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),... I suppose there is no element Name(3) as you're getting 'out of range' error. 您的“名称”元素是(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),...我想当您遇到“超出范围”错误时,没有元素名称(3) 。

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