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nslcd:/ var / log / messages已删除用户中的错误

[英]nslcd: Errors in /var/log/messages Deleted User

I'm running a Linux LDAP environment with multiple servers on the domain. 我正在运行具有域上多个服务器的Linux LDAP环境。 As we have added and removed users from our environment, I started getting these error messages: 当我们从环境中添加和删除用户时,我开始收到以下错误消息:

Nov  9 05:07:25 ops1 nslcd[1377]: [35895e] lookup of user cn=Deleted1 User,ou=People,dc=company,dc=net failed: No such object
Nov  9 05:07:25 ops1 nslcd[1377]: [35895e] ldap_result() failed: No such object
Nov  9 05:07:25 ops1 nslcd[1377]: [35895e] lookup of user cn=Deleted2 User,ou=People,dc=company,dc=net failed: No such object
Nov  9 05:07:25 ops1 nslcd[1377]: [35895e] ldap_result() failed: No such object

The users showing up are only users who I have deleted. 显示的用户只有我已删除的用户。 Not just recently, either. 也不只是最近。

I found the answer to this in this bug: 我在以下错误中找到了答案:

http://tracker.clearfoundation.com/view.php?id=1752 http://tracker.clearfoundation.com/view.php?id=1752

Basically, I had a group that was still referencing those users as members even though I had deleted them. 基本上,即使删除了我,我仍然拥有一个仍将这些用户视为成员的组。 In my case, they were part of the uniqueMember list. 就我而言,它们是uniqueMember列表的一部分。

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