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[英]Adding 1 day to timestamp in PHP

I have a web app that stores all dates as UTC time stamps. 我有一个将所有日期都存储为UTC时间戳的Web应用程序。 Dates are changed for display purposes for the clients using a timezone setting. 使用时区设置更改日期以用于客户端显示。 However, I've hit an edge case last Sunday (2 November 2014) which is when DST ended in the USA. 但是,我在上周日(2014年11月2日)遇到了一个极端情况,当时DST在美国结束。 I thought my code handled the case because it uses strtotime and "+1 Day" but it doesn't. 我以为我的代码可以处理这种情况,因为它使用strtotime和“ +1 Day”,但是没有使用。 Here the code that I've got: 这是我得到的代码:

$current_date_start=$this->date_start; //$this->date_start is a UTC timestamp
$current_date_end=strtotime('+1 day', $current_date_start);
    $current_date_start=strtotime('+1 day', $current_date_start);
    $current_date_end=strtotime('+1 day', $current_date_start); 
    echo format_local_date($current_date_start,'America/Los_Angeles',"D F j Y H i s")."<br />";
while ($current_date_start<$this->date_end);    

function format_local_date($timestamp,$timezone,$format_str='')
    $date_time=new DateTime_52("now",new DateTimeZone($timezone));
    if ($format_str=='')
        $format_str="F j Y";
    return $date_time->format($format_str);

//DateTime_52 class

 * Provides backwards support for php 5.2's lack of setTimestamp and getTimestamp
class DateTime_52 extends DateTime{
     * Set the time of the datetime object by a unix timestamp
     * @param int $unixtimestamp
     * @return DateTime_52
    public function setTimestamp($unixtimestamp){
        if(!is_numeric($unixtimestamp) && !is_null($unixtimestamp)){
            trigger_error('DateTime::setTimestamp() expects parameter 1 to be long, '.gettype($unixtimestamp).' given', E_USER_WARNING);
        } else {
            $this_timezone= $this->getTimezone();
            $this->setDate(date('Y', $unixtimestamp), date('n', $unixtimestamp), date('d', $unixtimestamp));
            $this->setTime(date('G', $unixtimestamp), date('i', $unixtimestamp), date('s', $unixtimestamp));
        return $this;
     * Get the time of the datetime object as a unix timestamp
     * @return int a unix timestamp representing the time in the datetime object
    public function getTimestamp(){
        return $this->format('U');

And here's the output: 这是输出:

Sun November 2 2014 00 00 00
Sun November 2 2014 23 00 00
Mon November 3 2014 23 00 00
Tue November 4 2014 23 00 00
Wed November 5 2014 23 00 00
Thu November 6 2014 23 00 00
Fri November 7 2014 23 00 00
Sat November 8 2014 23 00 00

As you can see it's dropped an hour. 如您所见,它下降了一个小时。 Clearly a DST edge case. 显然是DST边缘盒。 But I thought the "+1 Day" should handle that. 但是我认为“ +1天”应该可以解决这个问题。 HELP! 救命!

Your order of operations is wrong. 您的操作顺序有误。 You're adding the +1 day to the UTC time, which doesn't have the DST variance. 您要将+1天加到UTC时间,该时间没有夏令时差。 You should convert to the local timezone first, and THEN add your +1 day, and that'll do the trick, since the calculation will be within the correct timezone to do that check automatically as expected. 您应该先转换为本地时区,然后再添加+1天,这样就可以解决问题,因为计算将在正确的时区范围内,以便按预期自动进行检查。

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