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[英]cytoscape neural handwriting recognition

am new to neural nets and algorithm as a whole but i have a project to build a handwriting recognition app. 是神经网络和整个算法的新手,但我有一个构建手写识别应用程序的项目。 i currently am using HTML canvas and am get the x,y coords of each point into a list, but i need to build the ML part so my question are: can i use cytoscape.js for handwriting recognition app, if yes, will the input data be x,y coords or pixel(i have been reading on neural networks they seem to favor pixels) and lastly are their any tutorials show samples of something similar with cytoscape.js? 我目前正在使用HTML canvas,并将每个点的x,y坐标获取到列表中,但是我需要构建ML部分,所以我的问题是:我可以将cytoscape.js用于手写识别应用程序吗?输入的数据是x,y坐标或像素(我一直在阅读神经网络,他们似乎更喜欢像素),最后它们的任何教程都显示了与cytoscape.js类似的示例吗?

(1) (x, y) coords are pixel/rendered coords at the origin (0, 0) with zoom 1. (1)(x,y)坐标是缩放比例为1的原点(0,0)的像素/渲染坐标。

(2) You can use Cytoscape.js for any graph theory related subject area. (2)您可以将Cytoscape.js用于任何与图论相关的主题领域。

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