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[英]Creating per-user php5-fpm pools the secure way

When creating per-user php5-fpm pools on an Apache mod_fastcgi setup which of the following is the most secure way and efficient way of granting webserver permissions to the PHP pool? 在Apache mod_fastcgi上创建每用户php5-fpm池时,以下哪种方法是向PHP池授予Web服务器权限的最安全方式和有效方式?

Option 1: 选项1:

Set the group to www-data : 将组设置为www-data

listen.owner = username
listen.group = www-data
listen.mode = 0660

user = username
group = www-data

While this works files created by PHP would have the ownership set to username:www-data while files uploaded via SCP will have username:username . 虽然这个由PHP创建的文件将所有权设置为用户名:www-data,而通过SCP上传的文件将具有用户名:username

Option 2: 选项2:

Add www-data to the supplementary group username : www-data添加到补充组username

listen.owner = username
listen.group = username
listen.mode = 0660

user = username
group = username

- -

usermod -aG username www-data

Which of these options are secure? 哪些选项是安全的? You may also share a better method. 您也可以分享更好的方法。

I checked the following guides: 我检查了以下指南:

But they were all written before bug #67060 was discovered and fixed. 但它们都是在发现并修复了#67060号错误之前编写的。

I am using following setup on my LEMP (Nginx + PHP-FPM). 我在我的LEMP(Nginx + PHP-FPM)上使用以下设置。 For Apache this should also be applicable. 对于Apache,这也应该适用。

PHP-FPM runs several pools as nobody:user1 , nobody:user2 ... PHP-FPM作为nobody:user1运行多个池nobody:user1nobody:user2 ...

Nginx runs as nginx:nginx Nginx运行为nginx:nginx

User nginx is a member of each user1 , user2 .. groups: 用户nginx是每个user1user2 .. groups的成员:

# usermod -a -G user5 nginx

File permissions: 文件权限:

root:root    drwx--x--x   /home
user1:user1  drwx--x---   /home/user1                       (1)
user1:user1   rwxr-x---   /home/user1/site.com/config.php   (2)
user1:user1  drwxrwx---   /home/user1/site.com/uploads      (3)
nobody:user1  rw-rw----   /home/user1/site.com/uploads/avatar.gif   (4)

(1) User's home dir has no x permission for other , so php-fpm pool running as nobody:user2 will not have access to /home/user1 and vice versa. (1)用户的主目录没有other x权限,因此运行为nobody:user2 php-fpm池将无法访问/home/user1 ,反之亦然。

(2) php script doesn't have w for group , so it cannot create files in htdocs. (2)php脚本没有w用于group ,因此无法在htdocs中创建文件。

(3) On uploads dir we should manually enable write access for group user1 , to enable php script to put files there. (3)在uploads目录时,我们应该为组user1手动启用写访问,以启用php脚本将文件放在那里。 Don't forget to disable php handler for uploads , in nginx this is made by 不要忘记禁用uploads php处理程序,在nginx中这是由

server {
    location ^~ /uploads/ { }

but for Apache you should check. 但对于Apache你应该检查。

(4) uploaded files should also have w for group if we want user1 to be able to edit these files later via ftp or ssh (logging in as user1:user1 ). (4)如果我们希望user1能够稍后通过ftp或ssh编辑这些文件(以user1:user1登录),则上传的文件也应该有w用于group Php code is also editable via ftp since user1 is its owner . Php代码也可以通过ftp编辑,因为user1是它的owner

Nginx will have read access to all users and write access to all user's uploads since user nginx is a member of each user1 , user2 , ... groups. 由于用户nginx是每个user1user2 ,...组的成员,因此Nginx将具有对所有用户的read访问权以及对所有用户上传的write访问权。 You should not forget to add it to all later groups. 您不应忘记将其添加到所有后续组中。 You can also modify useradd script to do it automatically. 您还可以修改useradd脚本以自动执行此操作。

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