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Laravel 中与 AWS Sqs 队列相关的错误

[英]Error related to AWS Sqs Queue in Laravel

I get this error in laravel when trying to access Queue -尝试访问队列时,我在 laravel 中收到此错误 -

Class 'Aws\Sqs\SqsClient' not found

My default queue is 'sync' and I have not required 'Sqs' anywhere in my composer.json.我的默认队列是“sync”,我的 composer.json 中的任何地方都不需要“Sqs”。 Then why is this happening?那为什么会这样呢? Is it compulsory to include it in newer versions of Laravel.是否必须将其包含在 Laravel 的较新版本中。

I use this package: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel 我使用这个包: https//github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel

This package AWS components with works! 这个包AWS组件有效!

I recommend it to you 我推荐给你


composer require aws/aws-sdk-php

First check value QUEUE_DRIVER in your .env file. 首先检查.env文件中的值QUEUE_DRIVER。 In your case it must be equal to „sync“ 在你的情况下,它必须等于“同步”


Than check your supervisor configuration file. 比检查您的主管配置文件。 Probably you forget to change this line: 可能你忘记改变这一行:

command=php /my/app/dir/artisan queue:work **sqs** ...


command=php /my/app/dir/artisan queue:work **sync** ...

as it described here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/queues#supervisor-configuration 如下所述: https//laravel.com/docs/5.7/queues#supervisor-configuration

I had this config in the env file QUEUE_DRIVER=database so in my case I had to run the command without sync or sqs我在 env 文件QUEUE_DRIVER=database中有这个配置所以在我的情况下我不得不运行没有同步sqs的命令

command=php /my/app/dir/artisan queue:work ...

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