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[英]How do I retrieve data from cell of selected row in datagridview?

I have a datagridview with 7 columns, column 0 and 1 are not visible. 我有一个7列的datagridview ,列0和1不可见。 Column 0 is the ID column. 列0是ID列。 When I select a row I would like to get the value in Column 0 . 当我选择row我想获取Column 0的值。 Once I have the value, I can then delete the row from the data table . 一旦有了值,就可以从data table删除行。 Deleting the row from the DataGridView is not a problem. DataGridView删除行不是问题。

This line returns the row index with no problem; 这行返回row index没有问题;

int rowIndex = customer_Ship_ContactsDataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Index;

Then with all my research it would appear that this line would get the data from column 0 of the selected row . 然后,根据我的所有研究,似乎该行将从所选row data from column 0获取data from column 0 But it does not. 但事实并非如此。 I get an error that states "When converting a string to DateTime, Parse the string to take the date before......" 我收到一条错误消息,指出“将字符串转换为DateTime时,分析字符串以获取日期之前的日期……”

int contact_ID = int.Parse(customer_Ship_ContactsDataGridView[0, rowIndex].Value.ToString());

Any help with teaching me how to get the value of a column toString from the selected row of a DataGridView would be greatly appreciated. 教我如何从DataGridView的选定行中获取toString value of a columnvalue of a column任何帮助将不胜感激。

I have found my answer in another post Get value in specific column in DataGridView . 我在另一篇文章“ 获取DataGridView中特定列的值”中找到了答案。 I am not sure why I didn't find this last night except that today I simplified my search and came across this post. 我不确定为什么昨晚没有找到这个,除了今天我简化了搜索并发现了这篇文章。 Sorry for any trouble I may have caused, I really do like using this site for help. 很抱歉给我带来任何麻烦,我真的很喜欢使用本网站来寻求帮助。

DataGridViewRow row = customer_Ship_ContactsDataGridView.CurrentCell.OwningRow;

string contact_ID = row.Cells["Contact_ID"].Value.ToString();

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