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Scala Slick MySQL-执行高级SQL内容

[英]Scala Slick MySQL - performing advanced SQL stuff

I have 3 tables in my MySQL db: applications, users and application_images. 我的MySQL数据库中有3个表:应用程序,用户和application_images。 I need to write a query that will generate the next SQL: 我需要编写一个查询,该查询将生成下一个SQL:

SELECT * FROM applications 
JOIN users ON applications.user_id=users.id 
LEFT JOIN applications_images ON applications_images.app_id=applications.id
WHERE applications.id=?

How can this be achieved with the slick syntax? 如何使用精巧的语法来实现?

And on the same subject: How can I write plain SQL queries with slick (on MySQL DB)? 并在同一主题上:如何使用slick(在MySQL DB上)编写普通的SQL查询?

When using leftJoin , you use the ? 使用leftJoin ,使用? method to project the table to an Option . 将表投影到Option Yours might look something like: 您的外观可能类似于:

applications join users on (_.user_id === _.id) map { 
    case (app, user) => (app, user) 
} leftJoin application_images on (_._1.id === _.app_id) map {
    case ((app, user), image) => (app, user, image.?)
} filter(_._1.id === {id})

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