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[英]beamer “second screen” with XeLaTeX

I want to use beamer to project slides onto one screen and my notes onto a second screen. 我想使用投影仪将幻灯片投影到一个屏幕上,并将我的笔记投影到另一个屏幕上。 Beamer's show notes on second screen option is designed for this purpose. Beamer show notes on second screenshow notes on second screen选项就是为此目的而设计的。 It requires the pgfpages package, and it is supposed to create PDF pages of ordinary height but twice the ordinary width, so that half of the page can be projected onto one screen, half onto the other. 它需要pgfpages软件包,并且应该创建普通高度但普通宽度两倍的PDF页面,以便可以将页面的一半投影到一个屏幕上,将一半投影到另一个屏幕上。

The option works as intended when I use pdflatex. 当我使用pdflatex时,该选项可以正常工作。 But when I use xelatex (from MikTeX 2.9), I get pages of only the normal width. 但是,当我使用xelatex(来自MikTeX 2.9)时,只能得到正常宽度的页面。 The pages are my normal slides; 这些页面是我的普通幻灯片; my "note" slides are not created. 我的“笔记”幻灯片未创建。 Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
\begin{frame}{Note test}
     \item<1-> Eggs
     \item<2-> Plants
       \note[item]<2>{Tell joke about plants.}

When I use pdflatex, this code produces a PDF file of double width, with note slides on the right. 当我使用pdflatex时,此代码会生成一个双倍宽度的PDF文件,右侧带有注释幻灯片。 When I use xelatex, it produces a PDF file of normal width, and no note slides are included. 当我使用xelatex时,它会生成正常宽度的PDF文件,并且不包含笔记幻灯片。 Changing the first line to \\documentclass[xelatex]{beamer} makes no difference. 将第一行更改为\\documentclass[xelatex]{beamer}没什么区别。

Is there anything that I can do to make the show notes on second screen option work with xelatex? 我可以做些什么来使xelatex的show notes on second screen选项show notes on second screenshow notes on second screen起作用?

I am using beamer 3.27 and pgfpages 0.02 (which is distributed with v3.0 of the pgf package). 我使用的是Beamer 3.27和pgfpages 0.02(随pgf软件包的v3.0一起分发)。

Adding these lines solves the problem: 添加这些行可以解决问题:


Credit to Tomáš Janoušek, who provided the answer in this post to the XeTeX mailing list: http://www.tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2009-June/013325.html . 感谢TomášJanoušek,他在XeTeX邮件列表的这篇文章中提供了答案: http ://www.tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2009-June/013325.html。

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