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[英]MySQL selecting all records and for each select separate record - in one query

I believe what I am trying to achieve here is a nested query - however I am unsure how to continue. 我相信我要在这里实现的是嵌套查询-但是我不确定如何继续。

I have 2 tables users and notifications what I am doing is querying notifications table to get the details, however I am also LEFT OUTER JOIN on users table to get my user information. 我有2个表的用户通知我在做的是查询通知表以获取详细信息,但是我也对用户表进行LEFT OUTER JOIN来获取我的用户信息。 What I have is like this : 我所拥有的是这样的:

          USERS TABLE     
| user id | username | user image |

| receiver id | sender id |

Just getting the receivers information is not an issue as I user the following query : 当我使用以下查询时,仅获取接收者的信息就不是问题了:

    notifications.senderID, notifications.receiverID, users.username, users.image
    LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON users.id = notifications.receiverID
WHERE notifications.receiverID = ' xxx '

What I need to add is a way to foreach record found also grab the users.username and users.image for THAT record ( which will correspond on users.id for notifications.senderID ) as well as for the main record( notifications.recieverID ) 我需要添加的一种方法是,对找到的每个记录也抓取THAT记录的users.username和users.image( 将与notifications.senderID的users.id相对应 )以及主记录( notifications.recieverID

IF POSSIBLE I wanted to keep this in one query and outside of a PHP foreach loop. 如果可能,我希望将其保留在一个查询中,并保留在PHP foreach循环之外。

Join the users table twice with differant alias names 使用不同的别名将users表连接两次

SELECT notifications.senderID, notifications.receiverID, 
       receiver.username as receiver_name, receiver.image as receiver_image,
       sender.username as sender_name, sender.image as sender_image
FROM notifications
LEFT OUTER JOIN users as receiver ON receiver.id = notifications.receiverID
LEFT OUTER JOIN users as sender ON sender.id = notifications.senderID
WHERE notifications.receiverID = ' xxx '

This is the query for example 例如,这是查询

SELECT User . SELECT User id , User . idUser username , User . username User password , User . passwordUser email , User . emailUser role , User . roleUser created , User . createdUser modified , Userdetail . modifiedUserdetail user_id , Userdetail . user_idUserdetail first_name , last name , Userdetail . first_namelast nameUserdetail address , Userdetail . addressUserdetail telephone FROM cakephp_test . telephone来自cakephp_test users AS User LEFT JOIN cakephp_test . users作为User LEFT cakephp_test userdetails AS Userdetail ON ( Userdetail . user_id = User . id ) WHERE User . userdetails AS Userdetail ON( Userdetailuser_id = Userid )WHERE User id = 51 LIMIT 1 id = 51 LIMIT 1

in your case 在你的情况下

SELECT notifications.senderID, notifications.receiverID, users.username, users.image FROM database_name.users AS User LEFT JOIN database_name.notification AS notification ON (users.id = notifications.receiverID) WHERE User.id = 'xxx' LIMIT 1 SELECT notifications.senderID,notifications.receiverID,users.username,users.image FROM database_name.users AS用户LEFT JOIN database_name.notification AS通知ON(users.id = notifications.receiverID)WHERE User.id ='xxx'LIMIT 1

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