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[英]Can i use a dropdown in ui-grid filling it with data from a database?

I'm facing some issue here when i try to use a dropdown inside a ui-grid passing to it fields from a database. 当我尝试使用ui-grid内的下拉列表从数据库传递到它的字段时,我在这里面临一些问题。 Following the docs , in the gridOptions.columnDefs, i have create an array of id and a value, like: 文档之后 ,在gridOptions.columnDefs中,我创建了一个id和值的数组,如:

{ name: 'gender', displayName: 'Gender', editableCellTemplate: 'ui-grid/dropdownEditor', width: '20%',
  cellFilter: 'mapGender', editDropdownValueLabel: 'gender', editDropdownOptionsArray: [
  { id: 1, gender: 'male' },
  { id: 2, gender: 'female' }
] },

but, in my case the "id" and the "value", must be fields from the database, as follows: 但是,在我的情况下,“id”和“value”必须是数据库中的字段,如下所示:

 { id: data.Id, gender: data.Nome }

It just don't work. 它只是不起作用。 Any ideas about how to solve this? 关于如何解决这个问题的任何想法? Thanks!! 谢谢!!

You could consider using Angular Grid - it allows you to have custom cell renderers, where you can have a cell renderer that's interactive. 您可以考虑使用Angular Grid - 它允许您拥有自定义单元格渲染器,您可以在其中使用交互式单元格渲染器。 I have it working in my job (can't post the code example as it belongs to the company I work for) however if this is an option I can mock something up and post it. 我有它在我的工作中工作(不能发布代码示例,因为它属于我工作的公司)但是如果这是一个选项我可以模拟一些东西并发布它。

Try something like this 尝试这样的事情

editableCellTemplate: 'ui-grid/dropdownEditor', 
editDropdownOptionsArray: YourDataArray, 
editDropdownIdLabel: 'Id', 
editDropdownValueLabel: 'Nome'

YourDataArray could be a service call - for example, for me I have a call to MyServiceName.Get() - the objects returned might have properties like 'Id' and 'Nome' as in your question. YourDataArray可以是一个服务调用 - 例如,对我来说,我有一个MyServiceName.Get()的调用 - 返回的对象可能在你的问题中有像'Id'和'Nome'这样的属性。

Here is my approach. 这是我的方法。 It was based on this thread: 它基于这个主题:

https://github.com/angular-ui/ng-grid/issues/2808 https://github.com/angular-ui/ng-grid/issues/2808

1) I defined an uiGridFactory.js as this one: 1)我将uiGridFactory.js定义为:

angularFactories.factory('uiGridFactory', function ($http, $rootScope) {

var factory = {};

/* It returns a dropdown filter to help you show editDropdownValueLabel
 * Parameters:
 * - input: selected input value, it always comes when you select a dropdown value
 * - map: Dictionary containing the catalog info. For example:
 *    $scope.languageCatalog = [ {'id': 'EN', 'description': 'English'}, {'id': 'ES', 'description': 'Español'} ]
 * - idLabel: ID label. For this example: 'id'.
 * - valueLabel: Value label. For this example: 'description'.
 * 1) Configure cellFilter this way at the ui-grid colDef:
 * { field: 'languageId', name: 'Language'), editableCellTemplate: 'ui-grid/dropdownEditor',
 *   editDropdownIdLabel: 'id', editDropdownValueLabel: 'description', 
 *   editDropdownOptionsArray: $scope.languageCatalog,
 *   cellFilter: 'mapDropdown:row:row.grid.appScope.languageCatalog:"id":"description":languageCatalog' },
 * 2) Append this snippet to the controller:
 * .filter('mapDropdown', function(uiGridFactory) { 
 *    return uiGridFactory.getMapDrowdownFilter()
 * });
factory.getMapDrowdownFilter = function() {

    return function(input, map, idLabel, valueLabel) {

        if (map != null)
            for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i ++) {
                if (map[i][idLabel] == input)
                    return map[i][valueLabel];
        return "";

return factory;


2) Then I added the filter mapDropdown at the end of the controller that requires dropdown logic 2)然后我在需要下拉逻辑的控制器的末尾添加了过滤器mapDropdown

.filter('mapDropdown', function(uiGridFactory) { 
    return uiGridFactory.getMapDrowdownFilter()

3) I added this cellFilter to the column definition that contains the dropdown: 3)我将此cellFilter添加到包含下拉列表的列定义中:

 columnDefs: [
     { field: 'id', 'ID')},
     { field: 'languageId', name: 'Language',
           editableCellTemplate: 'ui-grid/dropdownEditor', 
           editDropdownIdLabel: 'id', editDropdownValueLabel: 'description', 
           editDropdownOptionsArray: $scope.languageCatalog,
           cellFilter: 'mapDropdown:row.grid.appScope.languageCatalog:"id":"description"' },
     { field: 'comments', 'Comments' }

where the mapDropdown() parameters are: mapDropdown()参数是:

a) the catalog map (row.grid.appScope.languageCatalog) a)目录图(row.grid.appScope.languageCatalog)

b) the ID label b)ID标签

c) the VALUE label c)VALUE标签

Note: In my example I used $scope.languageCatalog variable that was loaded from Database with a factory. 注意:在我的示例中,我使用了带有工厂从Database加载的$ scope.languageCatalog变量。 You have to implement your own. 你必须实现自己的。

factory.getLanguages = function (callback) {

    $http.get(RESOURCES.REST_ADDRESS + 'getLanguages').
        success(function (data, status, headers, config) {

        error(function (data, status, headers, config) {


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