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Azure VPN连接和公共IP

[英]Azure VPN connection and public IP

On Azure, http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-networks-create-site-to-site-cross-premises-connectivity/ 在Azure上, http://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/documentation/articles/virtual-networks-create-site-to-site-cross-premises-connectivity/

the following is stated in relation to site to site connectivity. 以下是有关站点到站点连接的说明。

A VPN device with a public IPv4 address. 具有公共IPv4地址的VPN设备。 You'll need the IP address in order to complete the wizard. 您需要IP地址才能完成向导。

The VPN device cannot be located behind a network address translator (NAT) and must meet the minimum device standards. VPN设备不能位于网络地址转换器(NAT)的后面,并且必须满足最低设备标准。

I'm assuming this is accurate, but could anyone confirm? 我假设这是正确的,但是有人可以确认吗? it seems very limiting, since my peer vpn device can support NAT-T. 由于我的对等vpn设备可以支持NAT-T,因此似乎非常有限。 Does the Azure VPN g/w device support IPsec NAT-T? Azure VPN g / w设备是否支持IPsec NAT-T?

Is the same restriction applicable to point to site, where my peer is the point and I want to connect/be connected to by the Azure VPN gateway device with VNet behind the Azure VPN g/w device. 是否适用于指向站点的相同限制,我的对等点就是指向站点,我想通过Azure VPN g / w设备后面的VNet通过Azure VPN网关设备进行连接/连接。

thank you. 谢谢。

I don't see to be limiting at all. 我认为完全没有限制。 And yes, this is the case. 是的,就是这种情况。 It is on the official documentation before all. 它首先在官方文档中。

When talk about Point-to-Site, I believe you missunderstand the service a bit. 谈到点对点时,我相信您会误解该服务。 Azure Point-to-Site connectivity allows a single computer or laptop (named Point ) to connect to Azure VPN Gateway ( Site ). Azure点对站点连接允许单个计算机或便携式计算机(名为Point )连接到Azure VPN网关( Site )。 In that case, the client only has to be connected to the internet. 在这种情况下,客户端只需连接到互联网。

When you connect to Azure VPN Gateway, you will be part of the whole Azure Virtual Network that Gateway connects. 当您连接到Azure VPN网关时,您将成为网关连接的整个Azure虚拟网络的一部分。

To tell you the truth I am not sure that the Azure VPN gateway device supports IPSec NAT of any kind at all, whether Point-to-Site or Site-to-Site. 实话实说,我不确定Azure VPN网关设备是否完全支持点对点或站点对站点的任何类型的IPSec NAT。 Below are my findings. 以下是我的发现。 My best lead so far is finding #4. 到目前为止,我最好的成绩是找到#4。

  1. In all my research over the past week, it seems like it's presently impossible to achieve this with Azure. 在过去一周的所有研究中,似乎目前无法使用Azure来实现。 See https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/19eb5ac0-5fb1-4afa-8081-5afc32cb04fd/is-nat-supported-within-an-ipsec-vpn-connection?forum=WAVirtualMachinesVirtualNetwork . 请参阅https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/zh-CN/19eb5ac0-5fb1-4afa-8081-5afc32cb04fd/is-nat-supported-within-an-ipsec-vpn-connection?forum=WAVirtualMachinesVirtualNetwork According to this, “At the moment there cannot be a IPSec VPN connection established when either of the devices involve NAT. 据此,“当任何一个设备涉及NAT时,当前都无法建立IPSec VPN连接。 . .you cannot have an on premise VPN device behind a NAT and this cannot be applied on a VNet gateway since customers will not have access to configuring such rules for a VPN gateway.” That was April 2017. “您不能在NAT后面拥有本地VPN设备,并且不能将其应用于VNet网关,因为客户将无权为VPN网关配置此类规则。”那是2017年4月。

  2. In fact, in February 2017, Microsoft seemed to discard any chances we have of applying NAT over VPN. 实际上,在2017年2月,Microsoft似乎放弃了在VPN上应用NAT的任何机会。 On their feedback forum at https://feedback.azure.com/forums/217313-networking/suggestions/5525129-please-make-site-to-site-vpn-avaiable-for-devices , an Azure Networking Team member declines the possibility of Site-to-Site VPN for devices behind a NAT. 在其https://feedback.azure.com/forums/217313-networking/suggestions/5525129-please-make-site-to-site-vpn-avaiable-for-devices的反馈论坛上,Azure网络团队成员拒绝了NAT后的设备使用站点到站点VPN的可能性。 So Site-to-Site is not expected, which is where it makes the most sense because it would help resolve common subnet overlap issues between a cloud virtual network and an on-premises hardware network. 因此,不希望出现“站点到站点”问题,因为这将最有帮助,因为这将有助于解决云虚拟网络与本地硬件网络之间常见的子网重叠问题。 I'm not so sure how NAT over VPN would benefit a Point-to-Site situation (what's the application?) 我不确定VPN上的NAT如何使点对点情况受益(应用程序是什么?)

  3. Then, contradictorily as of December 2017 (later that year), Microsoft seems to announce they're just now in the planning stages to implement this for Azure (see https://feedback.azure.com/forums/217313-networking/suggestions/15488244-offer-nat-as-a-service ). 然后,与2017年12月(当年晚些时候)矛盾的是,微软似乎宣布他们正处于计划阶段以针对Azure实施此计划(请参阅https://feedback.azure.com/forums/217313-networking/suggestions / 15488244-提供nat-即服务 )。

  4. Only on http://nullsession.com/2015/02/02/connecting-to-your-azure-site-to-site-vpn-over-nat/ , I found a method from 2017 that is, “unsupported by Microsoft – but works according to RFC.” I'm still processing this but I'm not convinced I should try it because it's unsupported. 仅在http://nullsession.com/2015/02/02/connecting-to-your-azure-site-to-site-vpn-over-nat/上 ,我发现了一种2017年的方法,即“不受Microsoft支持–但根据RFC可以工作。”我仍在处理此问题,但我不相信我应该尝试一下,因为它不受支持。

Let me know what you think because I am personally trying to get a satisfactory solution for this too. 让我知道您的想法,因为我个人也试图为此找到令人满意的解决方案。

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