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[英]Parse Hosting and Requests Per Second

I have written a small website for a non-profit. 我为非营利组织写了一个小网站。 The website handles about 500 visitors per day, the site is pretty simple. 该网站每天约有500名访客,该网站非常简单。 It uses ExpressJS and serves up .ejs files that are updated weekly. 它使用ExpressJS并提供每周更新的.ejs文件。 It does not have any user/admin login functionality and it does not save any data. 它不具有任何用户/管理员登录功能,并且不保存任何数据。 The most it does is make a couple separate requests to the Parse Core to fetch some images, URLs, and other text. 它所做的最大工作是向Parse Core发出几个单独的请求,以获取一些图像,URL和其他文本。 It also has a few forms that submit data using Mandrill. 它还有一些使用Mandrill提交数据的表格。

First off, does serving up an .ejs web page constitute as a request? 首先,提供.ejs网页是否构成请求?

Second, and I am probably being overly cautious, but I want to be sure that I can host this website using Parse and maintain the Free pricing plan at 30/req per-second. 其次,我可能过于谨慎,但是我想确保可以使用Parse托管此网站,并将免费定价计划保持在每秒30 / req。 Do you think I can? 你认为我可以吗?

Let me know if I can be more specific with my description of how the website is setup. 让我知道我是否可以更具体地描述网站的设置方式。

had the same question. 有同样的问题。 Parse.com team told me they are only counting API requests against the 30/req limit not hosted file requests. Parse.com团队告诉我,他们仅在30 / req限制之内算API请求,而不在托管文件请求。 Otherwise it wouldn't make sense anyway as any web site request would trigger several more requests to images etc. 否则无论如何它都没有意义,因为任何网站请求都会触发对图像等的更多请求。

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