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[英]Enable SSL in Javaws client?

I have a client <-> server application that uses CORBA for communication. 我有一个使用CORBA进行通信的客户端<->服务器应用程序。 The client application is launched in a client machine using Java Web Start. 使用Java Web Start在客户端计算机中启动客户端应用程序。 I need to enable IIOP over SSL for the applications. 我需要为应用程序启用基于SSL的IIOP。 On the server side, this easily done by setting keystore and keystore password in the jacorb.properties. 在服务器端,这可以通过在jacorb.properties中设置密钥库和密钥库密码来轻松完成。 I am not sure how to enable SSL on the client side with Javaws launch as I know very little about Java Web Start. 我不确定如何通过Javaws启动在客户端启用SSL,因为我对Java Web Start知之甚少。

  • What are my options for enabling SSL for the javaws client application? 我为javaws客户端应用程序启用SSL有哪些选择?
  • If the client keystore file is placed in the server machine, how should the client application access or retrieve it? 如果客户端密钥库文件位于服务器计算机中,则客户端应用程序应如何访问或检索它?
  • Or can the client application generate a keystore dynamically everytime it is launched? 还是客户端应用程序每次启动时都可以动态生成密钥库?

A little history of the application if it might help. 应用程序的一些历史记录(如果有帮助的话)。
Prior to the upgrade the client application used custom SSL socket factory classes which retrieved the keystore from remote server machine. 在升级之前,客户端应用程序使用自定义SSL套接字工厂类,该类从远程服务器计算机检索密钥库。 However, for various other reasons, we had to remove these socket factory class during the JacORB upgrade. 但是,由于各种其他原因,我们必须在JacORB升级期间删除这些套接字工厂类。

I decided to package the keystore in a jar and access it with JNLP. 我决定将密钥库打包在一个jar中,并使用JNLP对其进行访问。 I wrote a sample program to test it. 我编写了一个示例程序对其进行测试。 The code is available on GitHub 该代码可在GitHub上获得

https://github.com/KiranMohan/corba-javaws-ssl https://github.com/KiranMohan/corba-javaws-ssl

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