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[英]specify target action to a ember component

I have a component that is wrapping content defined by another template. 我有一个包装另一个模板定义的内容的组件。 I want an action on the template to trigger a method in my surrounding component. 我想要对模板进行操作以触发周围组件中的方法。 Is this possible? 这可能吗?

Here is what I have for my template. 这是我准备的模板。 Note this is shortened for brevity. 请注意,为简洁起见,此处将其缩短。

    <div class="menu-selector clickable" {{action "toggleDropdown"}}>

This is my component: 这是我的组件:

DropDownComponent = Ember.Component.extend

    showDropdown: false

        toggleDropdown: ->
            @toggleProperty 'showDropdown'

`export default DropDownComponent`

I can verify that everything else in my component is working. 我可以验证组件中的其他所有内容是否正常运行。 If I put the action in my component that loads this template, it works fine. 如果我将动作放在加载此模板的组件中,则效果很好。 But that's not where I want it. 但这不是我想要的。

So you would like to send an action to particular components. 因此,您想向特定组件发送操作。 Take a notice that 注意

A component is a custom HTML tag whose behavior you implement using JavaScript and whose appearance you describe using Handlebars templates. 组件是一个自定义HTML标记,您可以使用JavaScript来实现其行为,并使用Handlebars模板来描述其外观。 They allow you to create reusable controls that can simplify your application's templates. 它们使您可以创建可重用的控件 ,以简化应用程序的模板。


An Ember.Component is a view that is completely isolated. Ember.Component是一个完全隔离的视图。

You are probably using wrong tool here. 您可能在这里使用了错误的工具。 You should use instead custom view. 您应该改用自定义视图。

App.DropdownView = Ember.View.extend
   showDropdown: false
   elemendId: 'dropdown' 

        toggleDropdown: ->
            @toggleProperty 'showDropdown'

{{#view 'dropdown'}}
   <div class="menu-selector clickable" {{action "toggleDropdown"}}>

Then you can send an action to view by 然后,您可以发送操作以查看


Demo: http://jsbin.com/zoqiluluco/1/ 演示: http//jsbin.com/zoqiluluco/1/

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