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[英]Django related _set with order_by showing duplicates

With Django 1.7, using following code in my view: 在Django 1.7中,在我看来使用以下代码:

driver = get_object_or_404(Driver, id=self.object.id)
cars = driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date')
for car in cars:  # for testing only
    print car.id  # outputs e.g. 3, 3, 3, 5

When I try this, I get duplicate results for cars (eg twice car #3), dependent on the amount of models. 当我尝试这种方法时,我会根据模型的数量获得重复的汽车结果(例如两次3号汽车)。 I don't want this. 我不要这个

However, when I use cars = driver.car_set.all() , the duplicate results are not there. 但是,当我使用cars = driver.car_set.all() ,没有重复的结果。 But I want my car list to be sorted on market_date . 但是我希望我的汽车清单在market_date上排序。

Any pointer on how to fix this? 关于如何解决这个问题的任何指针? I tried with aggregate() and distinct() but that didn't fix the situation unfortunately (or I'm doing something wrong). 我尝试使用aggregate()和distinct(),但是不幸的是,这种方法不能解决问题(或者我做错了事)。

My tries with distinct() : 我的尝试与distinct()

  • driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date').distinct() causes duplicates driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date').distinct()导致重复
  • driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date').distinct('model__market_date') causes duplicates driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date').distinct('model__market_date')导致重复
  • driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date').distinct('pk') yields Exception Value: SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions driver.car_set.order_by('model__market_date').distinct('pk')产生Exception Value: SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions

I don't know why do you receive duplicate results, because i don't see nothing unnatural in your code. 我不知道您为什么会收到重复的结果,因为在您的代码中我看不到任何不自然的东西。 In case if you want just to receive a list of cars id (without duplicates), you can change your for cycle in this way: 如果您只想接收汽车ID列表(无重复),则可以通过以下方式更改for周期:

cars_id = []                 # creating empty list for cars id with duplicates 
for car in cars:             # for cycle 
    cars_id.append(car.id)   # appends numbers 3, 3, 3, 5 to our list
cars_id = list(set(cars_id)) # making list with unique values using built-in function set()

So after you'll have something like this: 因此,您将获得如下所示的内容:

>>> cars_id
... [3, 5]

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